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The media in United States


The media in United States


Media is an important topic in America that’s why it is necessary to be studied as it keeps the public updated on current political news as according to the weekly standard newspaper in America. The information from the media is very useful to the people of America as it help them to learn more about the national politics. American news is taken from three types of media which are print media including newspapers and magazines, broadcast media including radios and televisions and the famous one which is the internet. For example the weekly standard keeps people updated on the current political news and they do it by remaining non partisan as opposed to other non traditional Medias who remain partisan.

The most media used in America is the broadcast media especially the televisions since their news reach many people and covers a lot of topics which are widely viewed and affecting the public politically. Radios are too used to update people on the current political news while newspapers are too sources of information and are preferred since they are well and comprehensively written (Chapter 6). The media is well spread in America and have rights to broadcast political news which are non partisan and cannot contribute to any misunderstandings among the people.

The non traditional media cannot be depended on by the people on the current political news since it is so partisan for example the internet (Chapter 6).The media is not democratic at only and only favors certain politicians of given ideologies. The traditional media learns to the left politics since it is non conservative in nature and cannot be termed as nationalist. This is not fair to the public as it can contribute to misunderstandings.


The media traditional media in America is termed as right politic media while the non traditional is termed as left politic media since it is very partisan. The media should always remain non partisan for the public to get the required right information.











Works Cited

Chapter 6


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