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There are two components to a strategic communication plan: the elements and the message

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:

There are two components to a strategic communication plan: the elements and the message. For this assignment, you are a human-resources (HR) consultant tasked with implementing a performance management system for an organization of your choosing (you will describe the company or organization in a Word document). Instructions: You will submit both a Word document and a slide presentation. The slide presentation is for the purpose of informing executive leadership of the communication plan you intend to implement as the performance management system is launched. 1.Word document: Describe in one page your organization. Include the size, number of employees, product or service, and location of distribution (e.g. in the state of Kentucky, national, or international). 2.Slide presentation a.Determine goal. b.Identify and profile audience. c.Develop messages. •What is performance management? •How does performance management fit into our strategy? •What’s in it for me? •How does it work? •What are my responsibilities? •How is performance management related to other initiatives? •Select communication channels. •Choose activities and materials. •Establish partnerships. •Implement the plan. •Evaluate and make mid-course corrections. The slide presentation should be 8-10 slides (not including title or reference slides, which you must include). You can use PowerPoint. You must include a minimum of three scholarly sources.

220 Words  1 Pages
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