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Paper Instructions:
Reflective Piece: Caribbean Democracy (30%) Students will write a reflective piece on the topic of democracy.
The purpose of this activity is to test your ability to recognize the types of political systems in the world and the region and to identify the flaws in the system of choice.
Assignment Democracy is the preferred form of government in the Caribbean and for the majority of Nations across the world. This does not mean that democracy is not without its flaws.
Discuss some of the these flaws by examining the general features of a representative democracy.
In your response, you are encouraged to strengthen your points by using examples from global and regional cases.
With the recent spread of riots and protests happening across the world and the region, do you think democracy is the solution or the problem to maintaining an effective balance of power in a society?
Guidelines: 1. Your reflections should not exceed 2,500 words in length.
2. References are required and in-text citations used where applicable. APA style format (version 6) is required and you are expected to pay attention to grammar, spelling, and punctuation to ensure that your analyses are clear and easy to read by the CC.
• When assessing the responses, your understanding of the course materials and the theory being discussed will be taken into consideration.
• The use of course materials and other information to support important points is highly recommended.