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Should Congress ‘Look Like’ America?

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

This is a broader treatment of our earlier discussion. Should Congress ‘Look Like’ America? Visit the web site This Nation below or a similar site and compare the demographics of congress with regard to political party, gender, race, and religion with current general census data. Answer the above question in a two page paper citing specific statistical examples.

On the surface, the assignment requires students to report on the demographic make-up of congress to analyze the extent to which congress "looks like" America.  

There are broader issues implicit in the assignment that will form the backdrop of your research, your analysis and quote selection. They may include women in politics, how the congressional reapportionment process may impact the number of African Americans elected to Congress, and the rising political influence of Latinos in politics.  This assignment is open ended and allows you to focus upon the demographic group of most interest to you. Include at least three  quotes from "reliable" sources and a works cited page. (Links to an external site.)

186 Words  1 Pages
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