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Deborah Flints

Write a 300 word essay from the main points of my actual essay. Please focus on mainly Deborah Flints. 

More about Deborah you could use. 
Deborah Flint, the CEO of the LAWA, was the individual in the lecture series that stood out to me the most. Flint presented herself as a poised individual from the moment that she stepped in the room. To learn from successful women is always inspiring, because I feel that it is sometimes harder to achieve positions of power when female. So, to learn of women that overcame this obstacle and still hold positions of power gives me much hope for the future. Such impressive feats from Flint inspire me to create my own path to power. I learned that while I might not know exactly what I would like to do for my career in the future, as long as I am ready for the opportunity when it presents itself I can find myself in a position that I enjoy. One of the key aspects that she highlighted was creating a professional network through internships and various positions. My internship at the Senator's office will help me create a professional network, prepare me for my next position, and give me credibility in the professional world. It feels good knowing that I have already begun this process, but I know that I will have to constantly work to build up my professional credibility.

239 Words  1 Pages
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