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The Department of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives which is known as the ATF


            ATF was founded as a discrete constituent within the Department of Justice pursuant to the Title XI based on the Homeland Security Act of 2002.  The Department of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives which is known as the ATF is a regulation implementation Organization that is based on the national Division of integrity. The department defends the community from offenders causing violence and on their administrations.  The department is purposed for ending criminal actions such as the unlawful use and has dealings with firearms, the unlawful use and keeping of bombs and the illegal alteration of liquor and produces from tobacco.  The department hints its past to the Whiskey revolt where after its exclusion; its agents went after bootleggers. Not many years earlier when it got engaged in the storming of the branch in Texas in 1993 where its failure caused a lot of deaths. Some years back, the department was associated in an unsuccessful gun trading action where its representatives endorsed weapons to riven into Mexico. Other guns were used to murder the national limit representative in Arizona (Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms, p43).    

            ATF was earlier used to be run in the American Agency of the Assets but was later moved to the Justice Section in 2003.  The taxes and the trading of the department still endure in the Funds Agency.  When the department comes across the criminal actions, it later works together with the Native American countries to take the offenders to the impartiality in the national law court.  The ATF detectives object the equipped fierce criminals, the professional offenders and the sedatives sellers.  The department also imposes the national weapons policies by imposing the national rules on the weapons.  The main part of the aim of the ATF is enforcing the national needs for the weapon buying and performing investigations of those who sell guns for agreement with the rule. This perspective of the agency’s aim is important to the successfulness of tracing guns when the sellers keep good records of sales of guns as they also investigate those owning the guns that are set up at offense sections which is more probable to thrive (Dempsey & Forst, p28). 

            The ATF department has got some chances with the Federal Search Connotation which referred the Agency’s agents as jackbooted muggers due to their role based on their Standoff.  The NRA has won in proving the congress not to pass laws that need a unified   record of the gun buying but this standpoint is becoming more ostracized since the fatal Newton shootings in 2012. Those who protect the ATF department mark many confines that are executed at the directive of the NRA such as the Owners of the weapons Protection Act that was established in 1986.  This hindered the Agency from performing many investigations of the weapons merchant within one year and ended difficult for the ATF to invalidate certificates.  Their impact is more motivating as it has prohibited the validation of the enduring Executive of ATF (American Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms, p47). 

            The ATF is also known for their execution of the criminal laws and the civil guidelines based on the damaging tools and other explosives and the burnings.   It does investigations of the crime scenes and uses dogs which are well trained to sense any explosives and deposits.   The ATF agents mainly help the state complements and sometimes the foreign government whereby their main purpose is the disposal of bombs. The sense of alcohol trafficking and the illegal imports and the trafficking of cigarette have been the ATF’s job for a long time.  The department spots and repudiates the access to the possessions and resources that are used by the unlawful traffickers and the terrorists’ organizations and the trials from the sensitive the genuine business to the prevention of criminals (Dempsey & Forst, p32). 

            The ATF is a special and a unique Agent which is one of the challenging in the national law enforcement.  The ATF candidate must be able to handle the severe training and the individual risks, must admit to the irregular hours and the broad travel.  This profession of the special agent is more exciting and more rewarding thus the candidates must be tough both mentally and physically.  The well trained special agents are responsible for the investigations based on scrutiny, interviewing the suspects and the witnesses, arresting them and searching the physical proof. These special agents are the subjects of reselection to the ATF office in America including the U.S Territory and the ATF overseas obligation (Broyles, p19). 

            The ATF agents are not seen on regular basis as they are usually detectives and investigators of any state, county or the national government who serve in the investigation roles.  They are known as special agents as they are employed by the national law and these agents refers to one who is well trained, controlled and employed so as to  gain and give the information.  The ATF agents are the national law enforcement officers who hold authority, perform any illegal or non-illegal analysis.  These special agents are mainly sanctioned to carry firearms both on and off duty (Broyles, p23).







Work cited

 Atf-explosives Law and Regulations. Washington, D.C.? Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms, Dept. of the Treasury, 1990. Print.

Broyles, Janell, and Matthew Broyles. Careers in Ballistics Investigation. New York, NY: Rosen Central, 2008. Print.

Dempsey, John S, and Linda S. Forst. Police: Introduction to Policing. Clifton Park, NY: Delmar Cengage Learning, 2011. Print. 

919 Words  3 Pages
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