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Comparison of Political Parties

Comparison of Political Parties

The past republicans and the federalist parties are very similar with the present parties in different ways.  In one instance both the modern and the past parties hold a strong believed in constitution explanation.  The past parties believed in restriction of law to limit the authority that is given to the ruling government which is similar to the modern parties who believes in limited government parties (Scaros, 2011). In addition, both the past and the modern parties wished for a better explanation of laws to easy the abilities of the citizens.  The federalist parties in the past believed in investing in national programs which are similar to the present parties (Scaros, 2011).

Both the republican and the federalist parties in the modern era and the past held the belief of limited media speech in order to maintain a good image for the government. They additionally believe that developing foreign policies is significant for development (Scaros, 2011).

There is a huge similarity of the problems that separated Americans in the 18th century and in the modern era.  This is mainly because in the eighteenth century Americans were divided by racial discrimination and economic inequity (Scaros, 2011). This is still the case today as individuals are still affected by inequity and discrimination which drives the division of citizens.  In the past, the parties worked mainly in attempting to establish economic quality through developing policies.  They believed and still believe that the formulation of foreign policies is significant as it fosters development on a national level (Scaros, 2011).  Policies to addresses the issue of race were highly encouraged which the parties believed would yield social-economic equity throughout America.  The similarities are still presents as the parties in the past and in the present laid their focus on public interests.


Scaros, C. E. (2011). Understanding the Constitution. Sudbury, Mass: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.

314 Words  1 Pages
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