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U.S Planning Additional Sanctions Following Missile Test

U.S Planning Additional Sanctions Following Missile Test

The white house is anticipated to enforce additional sanctions on all the Iranian bodies under the current executive’s order that occurred before president Trump.  The additional sanctions are based on Iran’s missile ballistics test.  According to president Trump, it is the responsibility of the Iranian leaders to feel the pressure of ceasing to support destabilizing activities, which are a form of sponsorship groups in the continued ballistic missiles testing.  This, therefore, necessitates the enforcement of the existing sanctions as well as the additional imposition of more approvals for the missile ballistic program is a necessity.  Iran through its advisor has, however, responded by stating that the tests were defensive and there was no need of seeking approval.

In my opinion, I believe that the issue of ballistic missiles development and testing is a matter that concerns humankind.  The existing measures are adequate and essential in governing all the destabilizing missiles activities and Iran should cooperate.  The sanctions are not only focused on offering protection to the American citizens but those from Iran also and the surrounding states. Terrorism is currently classified as one of the primary security threat and therefore Iran should not be supporting terrorist groups by permitting the testing of missiles without approval from other sanctioning states.

The solution to the issue may be obtained from negotiation and not additional sanctions.  Since Iran has failed to cooperate with the existing executive orders this implies that they will not be willing to obligate to the additional one.  Talks would help in reaching an agreement since missiles testing is normally an issue of human security and therefore should not be handled with disagreement.  An agreement would help in setting standards under which missiles should be tested without affecting stability and global security.







            Work Cited

Labott, Elise.US planning additional sanctions on Iran following missile test. 2017. Retrieved from


320 Words  1 Pages
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