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Causes of military governments

In this paper the idea of military government and the definite occurrence of the army functioning as an administrative role within the federal government- usually results into conventional preservation of the citizens. Usually, examining the role of the military governments only pertains war periods. Nevertheless, with the two superpowers rising into dominance in the year 1945 after enthusiastically supporting peace, it revealed that the military can play many roles apart from fighting wards.

 Causes of military governments

The only thing that makes military government worth of attention is the mechanisms that extend their rule or the ending their rule unlike other forms of leadership or regimes. More so, the military governments often differ from civilian forms of government thus civilian government often do their best to prevent the such forms of government from ascending to power. Furthermore, in the specific case of military governments, military deploy some technics for the sake of protecting the territory and the interests of the government of the people they often work for the sake of applying certain encounters and generating income.

 In the case of keeping up with the personnel and streamlining, it helps in giving military a dictatorial style of doing things which often leave many people unsatisfied improving. In terms of priorities, in the 1980s, for instance, Latin American regions whose government single handedly defeated via military forms of government, went ahead to establish democratic frameworks in order to gain power through the people and destabilize the military regimes. Therefore, history tends to focus on the past experiences of military governments hence giving lead to the objectives of the military government. In the end, the military forms of government usually exist under violent circumstances most of the times.

Generally speaking, democratic types of government often contains of three arms: the executive, the judiciary and the legislature. In this type of government, the police often fall under nonpartisan arm of the government. This aspect makes one of the vital and highly recognized contemporary western liberty democracies. Therefore, the plan is to give people an accurate basis upon which the military government relies on to operate and exist as an administrative institution. For the sake of giving people an effective response and providing efficient power sharing skills.

Regardless of the common notions surrounding military governments, seem not to have their origin from non-western regions. All through the 1945 to 1977,more than a quarter of the  nations within Latin America and Asia, had their some sort of  military government guiding their rule of law and participating in the daily running of the government. Needless to say, In Latin America alone, has already had more than 22 forms of military governments from 1945 to 1954 compared to other past decades. In 1962, most political scientist argued that military forms of government arise due to poor leadership skills brought about by the civilian governments. In the year 1945 to 1955, the government had more military interventions in more than 64 nations. However, as years went by the European nations also developed a sense of military government in the approach to administration of the government as illustrated by napoleon Bonaparte.

Military nations seem to be a predicament associated with third world nations. Economics suggest than military interventions, which usually leads to the formation of military government usually succeed due to poor GDP.

555 Words  2 Pages
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