Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:
is War Necessay? Use the Chapter "The Decision to Drop the Bomb"( Ch. 13) as a basis for your essay Consider these questions as you read and think about war in general:
1. Is war justified?
2. Is war inevitable?
3. Is war necessary?
4. Can we live in a world (one day) with peace?
There are many ways to think about war.
In the chapter The Decision to Drop the Bomb, the authors state, "Truman dropped the bomb in order to win the war as quickly as possible." The difference between "Truman dropped the atom bomb" and what actually happened encapsulates the dilemma of a historian trying to portray the workings of a systematized bureaucratic modern society." conceals more than it reveals" and that by applying the rational actor model we can better understand "motives" and hidden agendas" Pay attention to page 315 for the history to the development of the bomb. WHAT are the authors describing here?
The authors later say, "Who did the US really want to shock with its atomic bomb? Japan or the Soviet Union? The authors have their own ideas on p 333. What do you think? During the Cold War the US feared that the Soviet Union might drop the bomb on us. But in reality, the US was the only country that leveled that kind of attack. What do you think? Read the "Additional Reading" on p. 335.
Are we still using the 'rational actor" model today in our present wars? Are we in war or occupation or something else? (Afghanistan)?
Post your response to either A, B or C on BB, Discussion Board.
“ Why We Fight” In class viewing of Documentary
This documentary film provides several powerful reasons for why a superpower must maintain its power through the creation of a war machine.. It also explains “The Military Industrial Complex” that President Eisenhower warned against. After viewing this film, state what the thesis of this film is. Be sure to include both sides of the argument, both pro and con.
Writing your essay on Is War Necessary?
Combine your responses to shape the basis of your essay.
You can also consider these questions that sum-up the argument :
Are we in nation-building or destabilization?
DO YOU WANT YOUR MONEY TO KEEP OUR NATION DEFENSIVELY STRONG? The above questions are how our government shapes its policies . Discuss the military industrial complex? (Eisenhower)
For additional info check out Brian Leherer's "Is War Necessary?" blog. Also google the antiwar movment in America. Then do an integrated database search, or a specific journal search.
The Decision to Drop the Bomb
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