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Analyze the management of coronavirus disease 2019 in Hong Kong.

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

In Hong Kong:
1. Please identify and briefly introduce the policies that the Hong Kong government has
carried out to deal with this epidemic (or global pandemic now) in this past two
months or so.
2. Pick one policy and describe the public policy process. You may start with problem
identification and the purpose, then find out alternative solutions with pros and cons
of each, describe why one solution/policy is adopted by the Hong Kong government,
but not others. Then evaluate this policy in your view.
3. What are the interest groups in the management of this epidemic? To what extent did
political parties and interest groups play a role in the policy process? In your view, is
there anything that political parties and interest groups should have done but didn’t?

143 Words  1 Pages
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