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Trumps expansion of presidential power

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Paper Instructions:
Final Paper Rubric1. There is a Zero-Tolerance policy on plagiarism. Any and all plagiarized papers will be marked as a 0and turned into the proper university authorities without exception.2. Misspelled words and other rudimentary grammatical mistakes will result in gradereduction.3. Direct quotations should be used sparingly and only when necessary to reinforce the argument. Donot use quotations to make the argument.4. Papers are to be properly edited and polished to reflect an upper-level political science course.This includes but is not limited to: proper sentence structure, grammatical editing, use of contractions,and a well-thought-out theoretical argument.5. Although not mandatory, it is advised that students use the writing center as a resource to edit andwrite the paper.Requirements1. Proper citations must be included in the paper along with a works cited page located at the end of thepaper.2. Proper grammar from course notes and the book are required. This includes writing in the presenttense and first person.3. An abstract of no more than 150 words is required on a separate blank page after the title page.Therefore, the text of the document should begin on page 3.4. A title page is required. This should include your name, title of the paper, the university, and the class.5. The paper should include proper headings to guide the reader through the theoretical arguments. Usethe headings to build the argument.6. The paper must be clearly thought out and argued. Use the online resources, textbook, and GoogleScholar articles as examples and a guide for writing the paper.7. The paper is to be a minimum of 10pages double-spacedexcluding the title page, abstract, and workscited pagesusing 12-point font

291 Words  1 Pages
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