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Consider how having a POS and PDP will guide you in your academic and professional progress. Reflect on the process of completing the POS and PDP. What did you learn about your specialization and what is to come as you progress through your program? What

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer: 

To prepare for this Discussion:

Consider how having a POS and PDP will guide you in your academic and professional progress.
Reflect on the process of completing the POS and PDP. What did you learn about your specialization and what is to come as you progress through your program? What challenges might you encounter along the way?

With these thoughts in mind: a summary of how you will use your POS and PDP as a guide for academic and professional progress. Describe the developmental process of completing these materials-for example, what did you learn about your specialization and about your journey while completing these documents, and what challenges did you identify that you will need to address in order to earn your degree?

132 Words  1 Pages
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