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September 11 Terrorism attack



September 11 attack

            Studies indicate that approximately 2,978 innocent people died from the terrorist attack on September 11 in 2001(Burnett, 2006). The terrorist hijacked four commercial airplanes where two of the airplanes were slammed into the World Trade Center twin towers. Another plane was slammed into the pentagon outside the Washington D.C. However, the third airplane failed to hit the target and landed in the Pennsylvania field and did not hit any target. After the attack of the twin building both towers collapsed within a span of two hours killing and injuring many people. Immediately after the attack most people argued that Osama bin Landen was the man behind the attack since he was known to be an enemy of the United States.

            However, it is important to note that there have been various conspiracy theories to explain the event and the cause of the September 11 attack. One of the conspiracy theory indicates that the traders inside the twin towers new about the attack even before it happened.  This is because before the attack happened some people argues that the traders had put an extra ordinary amount on the United Airlines and the American airlines stocks on the same airlines that were later hijacked.  Another conspiracy indicates that air defense was told to stand down. This is because on normal cases the airline defense have a fighter jet that can be used to stop such attacks, however  in this case they allowed the airplanes to attack the twin towers. Moreover, another conspiracy theory indicates that the world trade center did not collapse on its own. People therefore speculate that there was bomb that was responsible in bringing the building down. In relation to this many of the architect and scientist maintain that it was not possible for the plane fuel to produce enough heat that can melt steel frame.

            Some of the scientist also indicates that the September 11 attack does not hold up scientifically. This is because some scientist believes that the impact holes were much smaller than a commercial American airplane (Burnett, 2006). The scientists also indicate that the plane was not shot down before the impact. In addition the scientist also question why the planes only impacted on a vacuum place that was due to construction. They therefore conclude that the attacks were clearly planned.  Another conspiracy theory also indicates that the hijackers of the plane survived the explosion. This is due to the fact that their passports were found after the explosion.  It is also important to note that another conspiracy theory also indicate that the Jewish people knew about the about the attack. This is because according to the theorist approximately 4000 Jews did not report to work on that day of attack. This according to this conspiracy theory was proof that the attack were organized from inside the building.

            Despite the various conspiracy theory explaining the cause and the events surrounding the September 11 attack these attacks had various impacts. First, the attacks led to loss to the life of many Americans who worked in the World Trade Center Towers, the fire fighters and the police personnel who responded to the attacks.  In relation to this the attack led to employment disruption. This is because after the attack most of the people feared working near the building. This led to the decline in the number of people working in New York City. This attack also led to loss of unity in several state organs. This was evident in the senate where the division was witnessed. This is because prior the attack bill such as the original patriotic act was passed with 98 senators approving it. However, after the attack it was reported that an act such as the associated report came into place only 72 senators approved it.

Another major impact of the attack was on the American economy. In relation to this there was direct economic impact of the attack on the financial markets. This is because after the attack the financial market was closed for a week from September 11 to 17th. This closure was due to the breakdown of the communication and transaction processing systems. This closure had a negative impact on the economy of the country. In addition, the attack also had an effect on the defense homeland security. This is because the spending of the department was to be increased, to help ensure that they become more prepared in future to such an attack. In relation to this it is evident that US department of security and defense currently spends about $500 billion annually compared to the spending in 2001 which was about $100 billion. This clearly indicates an increase in the spending on the department. Moreover, the attack also had an economic impact on the supply chains (Baravalle,2003). This is because there it causes an increase in the cost of the transport cost of various goods and services. Another area of economy that was affected was the tourism sector where there was a massive reduction in the number of tourist who visited the New York City.

            Moreover the attack also had some adverse heath effect arising from the September 11. First, the attack led to an increased exposure and excess cancer risk in united state.  Studies have shown that over 55,000 people who were enrolled in the World Trade Center Health Registry have a high incidence of cancer. In addition, most of the people who were saved from the accident also have a high incidence of prostate cancer, thyroid cancer among others.  It has also been established that the some of the people who were near that area have also experienced severe health problems. Another area that the attack affected is in regard to the air travelling security procedure (

. This is because after the attack the new air security procedure were developed by the Transportation Security Administration. However it is important to note that the new security measures were also found to reduce the number of the passengers travelling in or out of USA.

            From the above it is evident that September 11 attack will forever remain to be historical event in the United States calendar. This is due to the fact that many innocent lives were lost. In addition the attack also had a negative effect on the economy of United State. The attacks also increased the cancer risk cases in the United States. It is also evident that September 11 attack by the terrorist also changed the entire world policies on terrorism. This is because even though the attack happened in U.S, the various foreign and domestic policies of United States changed in different countries.










Baravalle, G. (2003). Rethink: Cause and consequences of September 11. New York: de. MO.

Burnett, T. (2006). Conspiracy encyclopedia: The encyclopedia of conspiracy theories. London: Collins & Brown.

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