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Signs of Life in the USA

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:

Celebrating Inequality″ pp. 542 ″Signs of Life in the USA″ 9th edition Write an essay in which you support, refute or complicate Packer′s claim that celebrities such as film, TV, and social media personalities continue to significantly influence our culture. Remember that in your introduction you should reference the author′s full name, give the article title as well as a brief summary of the article, and you should also state your main point (your thesis). You should then list your main points (each of these main points will become a separate paragraph). Each paragraph should contain a clear topic/transitional sentence and you should support that point in the remainder of the paragraph. Remember that you want to argue your points without relying on personal experiences to make those points. Like last time, your essay must contain a clear thesis statement, support for that thesis, well-written paragraphs, clear transitional sentences between paragraphs, correct grammar and punctuation and a strong conclusion. Keep in mind that the grading standards for English composition I include attention to mechanics and grammar, expression and usage, unity, organization and content.

192 Words  1 Pages
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