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role of media in politics

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Paper Instructions:

Course: the US and the world(undergraduate)
This is the continuation of the same media analysis proposal order number 162005373.

Media Analysis Format (must be followed): Name, paper title, & the 2 journal sources at the top, including authors’ names, article titles, journal titles, and publication dates. Next: (1) Provide a brief summary of the issue; (2) Discuss with examples how the two media outlets address the issue in different ways and what sides they take; (3) Critique one of the articles; (4) Explain U.S. (or other) government interests in the issue and why the US takes this position; (5) Conclude (the longest part of the paper) with an explanation & analysis of the ideological opposition of the two journals with examples of its manifestations. 1,500 words, double-spaced,12-pt font.

142 Words  1 Pages
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