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The installation of a physical barrier between the US and Mexico

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

You may select ONE of the following topics and analyze it terms of the theoretical approaches we have considered in the course.

• The installation of a physical barrier between the US and Mexico
• The decriminalization of marijuana in New York
• The use of private companies to operate prisons
• The installation of stop sign cameras on school buses in New York
• A topic of your choice (your topic must be approved by your instructor)

Your assignment must include the following sections:

• An introduction that clearly explains what the paper is about and how it is organized.
• A definition and critical evaluation of [the] theoretical approach to the public policy process that informs the assignment
• An explanation of why the topic can be considered in terms of the approach to policy process detailed previously
• An analysis of the topic in terms of the theory of the policy process.
• A discussion and conclusion that highlight any issues that the topic and the analysis raise for the study of public policy.

Assignment 5: Participation and Contribution (15%).
Participation and Contribution to the class is assessed by your overall attendance and participation in class discussion. Minute papers do NOT count towards participation

218 Words  1 Pages
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