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Recently, several spaceships landed on earth, all in the northern hemisphere. A few days after landing, swarms of aliens descended from the ships and spread throughout the countries of the global north.

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Paper Instructions:

For this paper, you will have to envision you are in the following scenario:
Recently, several spaceships landed on earth, all in the northern hemisphere. A few days after landing, swarms of aliens descended from the ships and spread throughout the countries of the global north. Although initially peaceful and curious, gradually the aliens became more and more violent and started to use their superior technology to kidnap people to transport back to their ships and started to occupy different towns and smaller cities. Many people began to suspect the aliens were interested in colonizing the planet.
After a few weeks, a new international organization was formed to find some way to respond to the aliens and to mount a resistance. This new organization, called the League of Extraordinary Countries (LEC), was purely voluntary and aimed to bring together governments, scientists, and people, from around the world, to determine a plan of action.
In this paper, you will need to use the theories of Realism, Liberalism, as well as ONE Critical Theory, to explain how countries, governments, and international organizations might respond to this global event. Each of the theories has very different perspectives on how countries relate to each other and how they might, or might not, cooperate with one another. A few things you should do in your paper:
• Give an overview of each of the theories. What are the main components of each theory? How do they compare and how do they contrast from each other?
• What might each theory say about the potential for cooperation between countries during this crisis? Would countries cooperate with one another? Why or why not?
• What would each theory have to say about the potential for the LEC to solve this problem? What role would this IO have in attempting to restore normalcy to the world? You must mention at LEAST two theories in responding to this prompt.
• What would each theory say is the most likely way to establish lasting peace and to deal with the threat posed by the aliens?
• What would each theory predict would be likely for cooperation after the alien invasion and occupation? If we imagine that most of the northern countries of the world have been occupied and colonized by the aliens and there are really no traditional superpower countries left, what would the global system look like after these changes? What might this mean for the North-South divide that currently exists?

423 Words  1 Pages
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