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On the relationship between culture and politics, Gabriel Almond & Sidney Verba (The Civic Culture), and subsequently Ronald Inglehart, address the importance of congruence, meaning that the values and behavior of government must reflect the values of soc

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Paper Instructions:

On the relationship between culture and politics, Gabriel Almond & Sidney Verba (The Civic Culture), and subsequently Ronald Inglehart, address the importance of congruence, meaning that the values and behavior of government must reflect the values of society.

Relatedly, Samuel P. Huntington (American political scientist) makes this profound statement:

“What ultimately matters are not politics, but religion, family, blood”

1.Assess this statement. Do you agree with it? Why or why not?
2.Let’s accept his premise that politics can be dwindled down to primitive or primordial psychology. What do you think this means for the durability of democracy, as it inherently involves pluralistic viewpoints?

Between 500 to 550 words
3 scholarly sources

124 Words  1 Pages
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