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Human Anatomy

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Prepare a diagram in Word, PowerPoint, or on poster. (If you prepare a poster, take a picture of the poster and upload the image to the dropbox.) The choice of how you create your diagram is up to you, but make sure it is clearly and appropriately labeled. The diagram should be detailed enough to communicate the sensory and motor pathways through the body. 
Trace the sensory pathway from the receptors of the skin to the sensory area of the cerebrum.
Trace the motor pathway from the motor area of the cerebrum to the muscles.
Address the patient's concern: What is the anatomical foundation that explains why patients who have had strokes on the right side of the cerebrum have paralysis on the contralateral side of the body?
Include your diagram in the paper. Write an introduction describing your intention in creating the diagram, include verbiage in the body of your paper highlighting the important points of the diagram, and a conclusion summarizing the demonstration that you would present when using your diagram to explain the pathway and how it relates to your patient's concern.

197 Words  1 Pages
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