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Can larger hospitals help provide health care for countries with poor facilities, without decreasing the quality of the health care they provide to their own patients?

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

The dissertation topic is: Can larger hospitals help provide health care for countries with poor facilities, without decreasing the quality of the health care they provide to their own patients?

Problem statement paper attached below

Write a paper (750-1,000 words) in which you present a clearly articulated argument for whether a qualitative or quantitative research methodology is the best approach to answer the potential dissertation research questions and address the problem statement you drafted in a previous course. Include the following in your paper:

A literature-supported discussion identifying the critical attributes of the selected methodology (qualitative or quantitative).
A literature-supported rationale that clearly articulates why the critical attributes of the selected methodology are the best or appropriate fit for the stated problem and research questions. Cite specific examples where a similar methodology was used to answer similar research questions or to address a similar problem statement.
A literature-supported rationale that clearly articulates why the opposing methodology (qualitative or quantitative) is not appropriate for the study.
A concluding statement that clearly affirms the methodological choice (qualitative of quantitative).

37 Words  1 Pages
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