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You have been asked by the local elementary school’s Boy/Girl Scout Troop to give a presentation at their next meeting. They are going on an outing and would like to be educated on the infectious diseases that they might encounter in the area they are tra

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

You have been asked by the local elementary school’s Boy/Girl Scout Troop to give a presentation at their next meeting. They are going on an outing and would like to be educated on the infectious diseases that they might encounter in the area they are traveling. There will be approximately twelve adolescents (ages are from 10 - 12) and two adults in the audience. 

Bacterial Meningitis

The scenario is as follows: 
You have been asked by the local elementary school’s Boy/Girl Scout Troop to give a presentation at their next meeting. They are going on an outing and would like to be educated on the infectious diseases that they might encounter in the area they are traveling. There will be approximately twelve adolescents (ages are from 10 - 12) and two adults in the audience. 

Your presentation outline/script can be in bullet-point or numeric hierarchical format double-spaced in Times New Roman, 12 point font and free of spelling and grammatical errors. The outline portion of your assignment should be at least 500 words with at least four major headings for the topics you will be discussing. Under each major heading, you should have subheadings outlining the information you plan on presenting. 

You are to include three learning objectives for your presentation, specific for your audience. Along with your learning objectives you are to include three multiple choice questions that relate to the objectives that you have provided. 

Additional requirements:
•    Give some background information about the disease in a way they can relate to
•    Explain the source of the infectious diseases and define key terms 
•    List precautions that can be taken to avoid contracting the disease
•    Describe the risk to individuals and modes of transmission
•    Provide three reputable resources that individuals can go to find more information
•    Make sure your talk can be understood by a younger audience
•    You should start by greeting the audience and introducing yourself  

75 Words  1 Pages
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