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Men’s Health in Primary Care

            Men’s Health in Primary Care

            Question 1

            Inflammatory bowel diagnoses can be conducted as the inflammatory diseases are caused by dysregulated response of the immune in hooting of internal microflora.  This diagnosis is this important in establishing colon inflammatory and the disease of Crohn which affects the segments of gastro internal tract. Screening is also essential in determining whether the patient suffers from any type of cancer (Athreya, 2010). Diabetes insipidus is the other diagnosis. This is because patient suffering from type 2 diabetes is associated with obesity in collaboration with a thick neck. Moreover, since the patient has been involved in taking heavy alcohol substances an induced alcohol neuropathy peripheral diagnoses can also be conducted (Athreya, 2010).

    Question 2

Health care plan

Diagnoses list


Bowel inflammatory

Induced alcohol neuropathy peripheral diagnoses

Diabetes insipidus


            The aim is to establish how the patient reacts from different diagnoses based on the symptoms and the outcomes of the diagnoses.  This will, therefore, help in developing a medical procedure and treatment for the patient based on the generated findings.

The nursing criteria


Action- where different tests will be conducted based o the reported signs by the patient.

            The content of the actions- this is the procedures that are involved in different tests and what they are aimed at generating.  This is followed by the element of time which indicates how long the processes are bound to take and who often the actions should be conducted which will incorporate the regulation of the actions.


            Evaluation of the results will then conclude which enable the nursing professions to determine whether the treatment should be continued or to be terminated due based on the outcomes the findings generated from the tests.



Athreya, B. H. (2010). Handbook of clinical skills: A practical manual. Singapore: World Scientific.


303 Words  1 Pages
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