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Define and Explain the following terms in respect to Cognitive Psychology

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Paper instructions:

This assignment has 2 parts to it. Part 2 should be the longer part.

Part 1 is to define/explain the 6 following terms in 1-3 sentences each. Use bullet points for each term.
1. Perception - Gestalt Laws
2. Visual Imagery
3. Situational Model for understanding text and stories
4. Functional Fixedness and Mental Set
5. Encoding Specificity Principle
6. Semantic Networks

Part 2 provides a short story. In the story there are 3 instances that are italicized and marked with a number. You need to explain the 3 instances using your understanding of schemas. The story is attached. The first instances should be about why Evan couldn't notice things as well as Clarissa, The second instances should be about false recall. The third instances should be about sudden remembering.

No outside sources. Don't think of this as an essay but more like a short answer homework assignment.

157 Words  1 Pages
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