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Healthcare and Technology

Healthcare and Technology

According to my point of view, I think the use of the new technology is very advantageous to the nurses, healthcare facilities and the patients at the same time. This is consequently because will be offered in a correct order and way. This systems will also ensure accountability and transparency is executed since the systems will be checked regularly by the Chief Nursing Executives (CNE). Thus the nurses will always be on their toes in making sure that they provide the best medical services to the patients within the shortest time possible. On the other hand, the nurses will be working in an orderly manner since their tasks will be stipulated thus making it easy for them to know where they are supposed to be and the tasks they need to be executing (Christine, Wanda, & Kathleen, 2008).

Patients’ records can also be captured electronically, this will really help in making sure that patients are taken good care of since each and every data about their illnesses will be stored electronically. Thus the healthcare facilities can be able to collect the data about patients’ illnesses and the trends that different diseases have been taking (Christine, Wanda, & Kathleen, 2008). This will really help in preventing the outbreak of diseases which might affect people living within the same area. Hence the CNE will be able to analyse the types of diseases which are mainly affecting people and their possible causes thus coming up with solutions of wiping out such diseases. Thus it will be easy for the healthcare facilities to be able to deal with chronic diseases and to also sense the outbreak of diseases within a very short time before it finally leads to deaths.

The technology is very advantageous however, it is very challenging to the nurses since they will be required to learn how to use the new technology. Most of the nurses have acquired new technology skills but it is not enough since the technology changes from time to time. They will therefore be required to be from time to time to be learning about the changing technology hence being up to date (Christine, Wanda, & Kathleen, 2008). This will really consume their time and most of them may not be able to execute their tasks since they work under a very strict schedule and getting time for training may be very limited. Moreover, due to an increased workload, this may be difficult for them to be able to attend the lessons and may in turn lead to a low turnover rate. Thus most of the nurses will not be guaranteed to have the basic capabilities of dealing with the new technology. Hence this is likely to limit the use if the new technology in the health facilities due to lack of proper knowledge about technology.

The use of the new technology in the healthcare facilities will therefore come with mixed blessings since not most of the nurses will be able to adapt to it well. Thus some mistakes are likely to be made when the system will be in use for the first time (Christine, Wanda, & Kathleen, 2008). The health facilities therefore need to provide free technology lessons for the nurses in order to enable them to work at ease. On the other hand, CNE should create time whereby nurses can be able to attend their lessons without affecting their jobs. This will consequently see the health facilities work conveniently without any problems because the nurses will understand how to deal with the new technology.


Christine H. Mays, Wanda K. & Kathleen. S. (2008). Keeping Up: The Nurse Executive’s Present and Future Role in Information Technology. Wolters Kluwet Health/ Lippincott Williatns & Wilkins.

622 Words  2 Pages
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