The Deadliest Diseases, Common Principles
The understanding of the common principles causes of deadliest disease is the twenty-first century is very sophisticated. However despite the advancement of knowledge and technological medicine the common principles causes of the leading deadliest diseases continuous to take the course (Cook, 23). Presently the world is characterized by deadliest diseases which are the major causes of death. In America, the leading cause of death is heart disease which has mainly been influenced by lifestyle changes. Individuals only have a single heart which when faced with complications can result in death. Currently, American is faced with an obesity epidemic which results in diseases such as diabetes, heart and liver disease. The second leading deadliest disease is cancer which basically affects all ages and requires immediate care (O'Shei, 7). Due to the common principles, the diseases which would have been eradicated years ago are still taking the lives of individuals (Cook, 24). The study will, therefore, seek to establish the common principles that are tied to the deadliest disease. This will help in bringing the existing study gap where the causes of the deadliest diseases have been studied extensively but the common principals cause amid the disease have not be researched thoroughly.
Heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer’s and stroke are the leading deadliest diseases. The common principle deadliest diseases cause has been linked to conditions that are described as chronic inflammation, excess weight and high fats levels in the body (O'Shei, 8). This can directly be referred as unhealthy living which results in fatal disorders growth. Inflammation can be termed as the natural response of the body to external irritation as well as injury. This, therefore, implies that when the irritants fail in letting up based on diets that are characterized with higher fats diets, smoking as well as increased body fats the body system of immune gets into a spiral which cannot be controlled thus increasing the risk of the diseases. According to experts when the development of inflammation results heart valves damages, strokes trigger, brain cells damaged and the body additionally develops the complication of resisting insulin. This conditions, therefore, results in the development of Alzheimer’s due to the failure of the brain cells, diabetes due to insulin resistance, and stroke and heart illness due to heart valves damages. This is additionally linked to the occurrence of cancer (O'Shei, 8).
Chronic inflammation previous studies research have mainly focused on fighting the occurrence using drugs which are aimed at lowering the level of cholesterol in the body (Stebbins,1). This is mainly because the increased fats levels in the body result in the development of heart disease which is mainly caused by the occurrence of obesity. Currently, from the conducted studies a growing research body has revealed that abdominal fat, as well as the conduct of unhealthy eating, is the major causes of inflammation. In this several scientists are conducting tests to establish how different foods components may help in solving the growing issue of fats presence. It has thus been established the inflammation condition can be solved through the use of dietary fibers which helps in protecting the body against gaining excess fats. The dietary fibers help in protecting the whole body against inflammation which plays a significant role according to studies that were conducted recently. In addition, it has been established that dairy foods consumption are not linked to the rise of inflammation and it may, therefore, reduce the risks of attaining inflammation (Stebbins, 1).
Chronic inflammation can be termed as the most common principle that leads to the development of deadliest diseases. This condition is best understood in relation to heart disease, diabetes, and cancer (Landro, 1). This, therefore, shows the commonness of the deadliest diseases. The condition results in the crashing of the white blood cells based on the fact that the arteries density is reduced. The high levels of cholesterol result in of diabetes as well as obesity. This damages the arteries which lead to the occurrence of a heart illness as well as stroke. In this process, the brain is additionally affected. Inflammation is highly required when one acquires a wood but when the arteries density is low these results in the occurrence of different complications (Landro, 1).
Most of the deadliest diseases in American and across the world mainly affect individuals who share the same unhealthy conducts. This is because the lifestyle changes in regard to eating and living results in health complications which are associated with the deadliest diseases. For instance, there is an existing relation between several kinds of cancer, chronic illness, stroke and smoking (Stebbins, 1). This has been established scientifically. The unhealthy living is some of the independent risk factors that result to decreased life expectancy. The deadliest diseases are additionally understood to be genetically caused which are associated with different behavioral risk causes. According to experts, Alzheimer’s causes can be prevented via the modification of certain risk factors which includes pressure, physical activities as well as the unhealthy living. This is the same case for diabetes, heart disease and several types of cancer in which evidence suggests that they can be avoided through healthy living. In addition the abuse of alcohol results to developed types of cancer, liver disease as well as cirrhosis. Most of the deadliest diseases are directly connected and the development of one can result in the occurrence of the other. This is for instance kidney illness is one of the leading deadliest diseases in American which is primarily caused by the failure of the liver as well as the occurrence of heart which are additional death leading illnesses currently. In addition, the occurrence of diabetes results in the development of additional diseases in that diabetes alone is a rare cause of death by it results to heart, liver and kidney disease which results in death (Stebbins, 1).
An additional common principle cause of the deadliest disease includes increased blood pressure, smoking and higher levels of cholesterol (Landro, 1). Based on the studies conducted in relation to cancer, stroke, diabetes and high diseases high blood pressure has been a common cause. This is there for cause by lack of physical activities, unhealthy diets. This issue can thus be solved through the utilization of good nutrition’s, weight control strategies and regular physical exercises. This, therefore, illustrates that the most common ad the primary causes of the deadliest diseases is unhealthy living which has been caused by distinct styles of living. Brain cells damages are the major causes of deadliest illnesses such as Alzheimer, stroke, and diabetes. This is mainly caused by the presence of increased body facts which results in breathing issues as well as inner functioning. Bacteria’s and virus are the other additionally established common causes of deadliest diseases (Landro, 1). Environment toxins cause the occurrence of cancer as well as diabetes. This is mainly because the toxins affect the body functions thus developing a weak immune that is not completely able of resisting infections. Bacteria’s and virus attacks the body’s immune system thus developing an immune deficiency. This, therefore, implies that the individual can be affected by different diseases based on the fact that their bodies hold fewer capabilities infections. Bacteria cause infections which are transmitted through viruses as well as bacteria’s. These infections are spread from the environmental toxins which involve food and water. This, therefore, results in by poor sanitary situations in particular environment. Lung conditions are caused by bacteria referred mycobacterium. This mainly affects individuals who fail to observe sanitary measures or live in areas which are characterized by high levels of poor sanitary (Landro, 1).
The fastest developing common cause principle of deadliest disease in America and across the world can be termed as unhealthy living. This, therefore, results in the development of health complications based on the fact that the health wellbeing of the particular person is affected generally. The outcomes of unhealthy living kill the body resistance capability in resisting infections. When the body is not well this, therefore, means that the development of the deadliest disease potential is higher at the particular moment (Weatherspoon, 1).
There is a significant research gap in reference to the deadliest disease common principles causes. This is mainly because most research has been conducted to establish the causes of the deadliest diseases. This, therefore, shows that the principle causes have not be evaluated and researched adequately. This study will, therefore, prevent the basis in which research can be conducted on the grounds that it has established the major common principles causes of deadliest diseases in America as well as across the world. Future research should be conducted on the findings of this research to establish the rationale behind unhealthy living and increased body facts being the major cause of deadliest diseases in the present living.
In summary, it is thus clear that the common deadliest disease causes principles are chronic inflammation, high levels of fats and unhealthy living. This is mainly because of the occurrence of obesity or when the brain experiences damage these results in Alzheimer’s and stroke. On the other hand increased body fats and unhealthy living and eating may thus results in different kinds of cancer, stroke, kidney disease, lung disease as well as heart disease. This is caused by the increased inward pressure which prevents the body functioning from being accomplished effectively. From this, it is recommended that individuals should engage in healthy living by avoiding activities such as smoking which may result in cancer, Stroke, and liver illness. Individuals should, therefore, engage in continuous physical activities which protect the body from building high levels of fats. Consuming the dietary diets might help in solving issues of cholesterol.
Work Cited
Cook, Logan. The Low Fat Diet Hoax. AuthorHouse, 2004.
Landro, Laura. The New Science behind America's Deadliest Diseases. 2012. Retrieved from
O'Shei, Tim. The World's Deadliest Diseases. Mankato, Minn: Capstone Press, 2006. Print.
Stebbins, Samuel. America’s 10 Deadliest Diseases. 2016. Retrieved from
Weatherspoon, Deborah. The Most Dangerous Epidemics in U.S. History. 2016. Retrieved from