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Family Clinic Medical Practice

Family Clinic Medical Practice


            UMUC Family Clinic is owned by Dr. Martin who has acquired the information that the last year of participating in incentive programs of Medicare is the year 2014 and will later begin the following year.  The clinic is portrayed with so much inefficiency which is generated by time wastage and information duplication a misplacement which requires the patients to take more time in the clinic.  Dr. Martin is required to act fast because he is clearly running out of time based on his clinic’s situation and the confusion of the Medicare program incentive.  Based on the recommendation of a fellow Dr. Martin has acquired a contract with an independent consultant of HER who has no connection to any vendor. The purpose of the consultant contraction was to provide the doctor with advice throughout the general procedure.

As portrayed in the case study Dr. Martin holds different strategic objectives which he provides in the consultation.  First the doctor would wish to see his medical practice operating in a more efficient mode in order to maximize his financial gains. This profit would provide him with the opportunity of expanding and upgrading the clinic through investment (Moon, & Galea, 2016). he also wants to invest some funds in renovating both the waiting sections and the examinations room.  In addition he wishes to rent the neighboring apartment which would allow him to expand his clinic further and be able to offer more services and serve an extended consumer base. 

Moreover he has the goal of renting enough space that would cater for physical therapy services which would ensure that he generate additional income.  These goals are very big as they generally require knowledge skills and expertise and that is why he hired a consultant.  He hired the consultant after the realization that he was highly required to adopt EHR in order to utilize fully the incentives that are provided by the program.  This is now the strategic clinic goal for the doctor.

            Through the implementation of EHR it is easy to gain the capability of fulfilling the goal of developing IT awareness level among the clinic’s employees (Tan, Payton, & Tan, 2010). In addition he wants to utilize technological advancement in developing care, decision and safety quality in his practice and at the same time meeting   all the regulatory and legal necessities for the healthcare system.

            UMC Family Clinic Process Model










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EHR Process Model








            In Dr. Martin’s clinic EHR can be described as the best option in the field of health.  This is mainly because the system is associated with many benefits and it would help the doctor in achieving all his objectives within a shorter time period.  The system is cheap as compared to others and it if effective in generating efficiency in any setting.  In addition the system is associated with an increased level of data protection and security.  For the UMUC Family Clinic the EHR is the best approach to implement.








Moon, J. D., & Galea, M. P. (2016). Improving health management through clinical decision support systems.

Tan, J. K. H., Payton, F. C., & Tan, J. K. H. (2010). Adaptive health management information systems: Concepts, cases, and practical applications. Sudbury, Mass: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.


546 Words  1 Pages
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