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How effective is restraint in dealing with psychiatric patients?



Psychiatric research has indicated the various best practices aimed at elimination or reduction of restrain in mental health facilities. These practices which can lead to a reduction in application of restrain   comprises of a regulatory policy which supports the de-escalation of restraint. Practices based on such a policy offers a direction on the role of organizational leadership in ensuring that nurses interactions with violent patients does not bring about excessive use of seclusion and restraint in psychiatric facilities.

Problem statement

There are various reports available on patients’ death inside the restraint cells and this call for ways to minimize or eliminate completely the use of this technique. The psychiatric community has established over recent years that there are negative impacts associated with the use of restraint on patients with psychiatric problems. The results of the research have shown that using restraint as a technique for intervention so as to control patients’ behavior can lead to unfavorable outcomes (Bowers, James, Quirk, Simpson, Stewart, & Hodsoll, 2015). It may lead to great harm to patients themselves, nurses and the general staff if not done in the appropriate way. The patients can experience trauma or eventually face the risk of death. Research done on this topic should be focused on evidence based nursing practices which can reduce the use of coercive restrain tactic in handling these patients.

This issue is very important to nursing professional since they are mandated with managing psychiatric patients and in various cases they take up the management of the mental health facilities. While deciding on the best nursing interventions which are evidence based, they can take into account methods that are evidence-based so that to reduce the use of restraint and seclusion for on these patients. Presently, the application of seclusion or restraint is aimed at pinning down patients with mental problems if they become unruly or uncontrollable before they are cooled down by communicating to them. It is necessary that nurses use their efforts in restraining patients through techniques that can bring success in reducing the use of restraint.  The various intervention techniques that can bring about changes relates to regulatory support. Methods that can provide assistance to staff in these facilities can go a long way in minimizing restraint and seclusion (Sivakumaran, George & Pfukwa, 2011).  The issue is also important to the nursing leadership in mental hospitals under regulatory agency supervision, where nurses are encouraged to embrace behavior which enhances changes in the organizational culture. The psychiatric nursing community can impact on the use of the right intervention methods, through advocating for implementation of changes that can reduce the use of restraint (Donat, 2003).  This is possible for nursing leaders who have shown the willingness to co-operate in the management of aggressive behavior.  Through the introduction of changes in the practice systems, priority is placed on minimizing the use of restraint by providing nurses with the necessary resources which will make it possible to achieve this goal.

Purpose of the research

This research aims at establishing the various interventions that can lead to reduction of restraint application. It aims at coming with grouping s of these interventions and picking the appropriate one which can be adopted in the nursing practice.

Research questions

How effective is restraint in dealing with psychiatric patients?

What are effects of using restraint on patients?

Which interventions can alternatively be used for psychiatric patients?



Donat D (2003), ‘An analysis of successful efforts to reduce the use of seclusion and restraint at

a public psychiatric hospital’, in Psychiatric Services, 54, 1119-1123.


Bowers, L., James, K., Quirk, A., Simpson, A., Stewart, D., & Hodsoll, J. (2015). Reducing

conflict and containment rates on acute psychiatric wards: The Safewards cluster randomized

controlled trial. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 521412-1422.


Sivakumaran, H., George, K., & Pfukwa, K. (2011). Reducing restraint and seclusion in an acute aged person's mental health unit. Australasian Psychiatry, 19(6), 498-501. doi:10.3109/10398562.2011.603326



660 Words  2 Pages
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