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Hospitality professionals

Hospitality professionals 

Hospitality professionals are involved in helping out in the planning process especially in the organizations. As a future professional manager, having read chapters 1 to 6 have gained knowledge on how to carry out my plans in future. Through understanding the different concept such as waste management, water systems and other useful concepts, professional managers understand the environment better. The engineering department has been one of the difficult managed departments thus professional managers should ensure they know the department well before planning on how to manage it. Professional managers should ensure they have strategic plans in order to work with the chief engineers on how to manage the engineering department. Technological measures should be put in place in order to ensure that the organization does not lag behind in terms of technology. Technology is important thus professional managers should ensure they are familiar with the latest technology since the organizations depend on them for plans and advice. Professional managers should ensure they advice the organizations on where to market their products and ensure the products and services are in line with the latest technology.

The hospitality industry faces several challenges such as pollution thus managers should ensure they avoid pollution through using non pollutants and advising organizations on measures of preventing pollution. Hospitality managers should know pathogens and measures of preventing the pathogens from harming the people. The hospitality should ensure that employees work in safe organizations whereby their health is not compromised. All people should work in safe places free from pollution, pathogens and any danger that would harm their health.  In addition organizations should ensure they do proper waste management meaning that the hospitality department should ensure it advices the organization on the best waste management solutions. As a hospitality manager in future, I would advice organizations on how to reuse or recycle wastes instead of focusing on dumpsites and landfills. Landfills and dumpsites have environmental consequences thus are not the best waste management techniques.

Waste management enables organization remain safe places for employees to work therefore as a hospitality manager I would ensure that wastes are properly managed. Managing the wastes ensures that people work in safe and secure organizations free from pathogens that end up affecting their health. Proper water systems are important since they ensure that organizations get safe water free from pollution, bacteria and pathogens. Clean water is safe for human consumption thus hospitality managers should ensure the organizations get safe water which will not have a negative impact on their health. As a hospitality manager I would advise the organization to use chlorine since it is safe and ensures pathogens and bacteria are removed. Hospitality managers advise on energy management since energy is an important resource and can be expensive if improperly used. As a hospitality manager I would ensure my organization conserves energy through using solar instead of focusing mainly on electricity. Electricity is expensive and if not properly used, it would be expensive and end up being wanted. As a hospitality manager I would teach employees how to handle situations within the organization. For instance in case of a fire outbreak I would educate them on safety measures by first turning off the electricity. Through the knowledge leant from these chapters, one can become an excellent hospitality manager who will ensure organizations remain safe places and remain profitable as well.

561 Words  2 Pages
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