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Using the Data/Information/Knowledge/Wisdom Continuum

Using the Data/Information/Knowledge/Wisdom Continuum


Nursing informatics can be described as the  specialty  that particularly integrates science in the practice of  nursing with  additional  and analytical science information  in the  identification,  description , management and  the  communication  of  acquired  information, wisdom as well as  knowledge in nursing practice (Benton& Giovagnoli, 2006).  Nurses  in particular  utilizes  the acquired  data, wisdom, information  and well as knowledge  continuum in daily  practices  in developing  clinical  judgments in the  provision of  accurate  and  responsible patients  care.  In  the healthcare and nursing  sector , knowledge, data and information are  considered  to be the  most  significant aspects  in ensuring  credibility  and  integrity of healthcare operations (Benton& Giovagnoli, 2006).  With the  rapid  technological growth  all  these  terminologies are  vital  in  enhancing  continuous  significant information flow within the healthcare  industry. The paper  is targeted at the identification  of  information, data, wisdom,  and knowledge  continuum  in the establishment  of  effective  diet and surgical  intervention  in the management  and treatment of childhood obesity.

From investigation and observations it is apparent that innovative and advanced technologies are essential in the conversion of raw data into significant information.  According to the  recent  investigations  the  procedure  of data knowledge wisdom and information  is an information revolution  with the assistance  of  cognitive  progress  procedure (Kirch, 2008).  Knowledge is of specific and unique assistance to the advanced practice of nursing and the entire healthcare system.  Nurses can utilize informatics in obtaining knowledge or wisdom.  Informatics is essential since is assists nursing practitioners in the growth of skills that are necessarily in obtaining knowledge as well as data (Kirch, 2008).  This is useful in effective data management.  Via informatics  nursing practitioners  are  equipped with the  capability  of acquiring the  needed knowledge  which can be utilized in  solving complex  health  issues (Kirch, 2008). the  general  application  of nursing knowledge  that  is obtained  from  informatics  is  of assistance  in the  provision of  successful  healthcare  to  the  patients  as well as the general  community.  In that from informatics nurses gains the capability of obtaining higher wisdom (Kirch, 2008).

Clinical Question

How  best  can information, data, wisdom and knowledge continuum  be utilized in  advanced  nursing practice  in establishing better  diets or medical  intervention as a treatment, prevention  and a management  option towards  obesity? Based on the recent reports by national nutrition and health survey an approximation of 25 percent of young children is characterized by overweight (Benton& Giovagnoli, 2006).  Obesity during childhood disposes young children  to increased  risks  of inadequate  illnesses  resistance  like  renal illnesses, liver  failure hypertension, diabetes and so  much  more without the exclusion of heart failure (Benton& Giovagnoli, 2006).  The particular disorder is influenced by numerous factors that include lifestyle, social or environment, metabolism as well as genetics.  For  several years now the healthcare  providers  have  continuously worked in the development of an effective  medical practice that  may  be useful  in the prevention  of the  occurrence as well as  obesity  treatment (Benton& Giovagnoli, 2006).  Several  surgical  and therapeutic strategies  have been  established  to be  highly  effective  in the  management  as well as  control of high weight  in  children  at  their early development  so that  the  some  long-term  and shorter  complications of the  disorder  that posses  medical complexity  can be  handled  effectively.  This strategies are additional popular for their ability to decrease BMI which in general is of use in controlling the growth of weight (Benton& Giovagnoli, 2006).  

In the current  technological development  in nursing  informatics  is useful  in the  provision  of tools that  enhances  faster  data search  that  simplifies  the general procedure  of  the treatment  of information (McGonigle & Mastrian, 2015).  This strategy is meaningful as it offers essential data that is utilized in the development of suitable decisions.  Technological advancement  has  developed  the  nursing  practice over  the  period  by ensuring  that  has been transformed  to be more   based  on  evidence practice. This has thus developed the healthcare quality by increasing reliability as well as full credibility over time (McGonigle & Mastrian, 2015).  In the world today  the  performance of things  has changed  and  the manner  in which everything  is handled  is no  longer  traditional  as technological  advancement  has  swiped  practices for the better.  Nursing  operations are  now  conducted  with the objective of  discovery of better  interventions and not  just based  on  needs  or  how  practices  are based  as traditions stands.  With the current advancement  medical  practitioners  are fully  able  to  look  for the appropriate electronic information from the  distinct evidence  sources that is  chosen critically  to offer science advancement that is necessary in  solving  the issue.  Nursing  informatics  are  useful  in healthcare  as the  assist the  general  data integration,  knowledge  as  well as  information in support on nursing  operations (McGonigle & Mastrian, 2015). From this perspective  nursing practitioners  are thus equipped  with the capability  of settling  for  accurate  decisions  that are  grounded  on the  best approaches  of managing children’s obesity.

Data Information Knowledge and Wisdom Continuum

 Based on the recent  studies,  assessments, surveys  and researchers  findings  the terms  information,  data as well as knowledge  are utilized in the allocation  of nursing and healthcare  meaning.  Effectiveness of the systems cannot be established without the utilization of the aspects (McGonigle & Mastrian, 2015).  Based  on modern informational  technology period, the terms  offers  developed  chances  to the  health care  sector  in the  maintenance  and  assurance of  continuous  information flow  within a given working surrounding.  The primary thought  of the continuum of wisdom, information, knowledge and data  can best  be described  as  the general  innovation  of  healthcare  wisdom based on the existing pressure to develop.  The interventions can be of usefulness in the growth of the healthcare associations that enhances smooth flow of healthcare activities (Ball & Hannah, 2011).  It is apparent  that  the nursing practice  particularly in the  modern society necessitates  greater  integrity  of data that  may  be essential  in  development and the establishment  of effective  strategies. This s objected  at offering  enhanced  and effective  healthcare operations and it can only be accomplished  through  the  collective  gathering  of  information and  converting it into medical usefulness (Ball & Hannah, 2011).

Nursing and Healthcare Databases

Innovation as well as growth of the modern technology has created different transformations in all sectors.  Automatic and  databases  medical  records  are useful  in  providing  organization  and efficiency in  managing  patients  information (Ball & Hannah, 2011). This additionally contributes to the smoother running of the industry.  The efficiency  can be utilized  in managing  childhood  obesity through  advocating  appropriate services to  all the involved  patients to  prevent  long-term adult  complications( McGonigle & Mastrian, 2015).

Summing up, in nursing practice and particularly in establishing better medical interventions to obesity prevention and treatment science is essential.  This is because it helps in the gathering, analysis, interpretation as well as the general conclusions applications.  The acquired information as well as knowledge can be  transformed  to  wisdom to identify  the  revolving factors behind the obesity  issue and how  best  it can  be  solved medically.  Obtaining knowledge from the gathered information can be transformed into wisdom in making responsible decisions.














Ball, M. J., & Hannah, K. J. (2011). Nursing informatics: Where technology and caring meet. London: Springer.

Benton, S., & Giovagnoli, M. (2006). The wisdom network: An 8-step process for identifying, sharing, and leveraging individual expertise. New York: American Management Association.

Kirch, W. (2008). Encyclopedia of public health. Dordrecht: Springer.

McGonigle, D., & Mastrian, K. G. (2015). Nursing informatics and the foundation of knowledge.

1220 Words  4 Pages
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