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Trauma Care

Trauma Care

In order to ensure effective health services within the hospital, I would first and foremost group the nurses according to their skills. This means grouping them according to their fields in which they have specialized in, for instance nurses who have specialized in trauma will be grouped together while the rest will be grouped into their respective fields of study (Nancy et al, 2016). It will therefore be required that each and every nurse attends to a patient whose condition falls in the nurse’s field of specialization. If a nurse has not specialized in trauma, then he or she should not offer any assistance to trauma patients. This will consequently help in making the hospital organized, and the services offered to be very effective.

Secondly, Internal Care Unit’s (ICU’s), should be separated from any other specialities, hence ensuring maximum support on patients’ who need urgent care. Moreover, this will also help in making sure that the support offered in the ICU’s is done within the shortest time possible, hence reducing the chances of congestion in the speciality. On the other hand, trauma and surgery bays should be co-located, in order to allow doctors to effectively and easily distinguish surgical patients from trauma patients (Nancy et al, 2016).

Moreover, since trauma patients require urgent care which is similar to that of the surgical patients’, this will really help in making the services rendered to be very effective. Furthermore, the surgical bays should be effectively equipped in order to enable the nurses to work very effectively (Nancy et al, 2016). The reason as to why the surgical bay and the ICU were separated, was to provide nurses with a better working condition, whereby they can be able to deal serious conditions separately thus allowing room for effective work.


Nancy L. H, Urban. W, John. M, & Karen Brown. (2016). Redesigning Trauma Operations at University Hospital: Thunderbird School of Global Management.

321 Words  1 Pages
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