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Functional Alcoholism

Functional Alcoholism

The standards of use of sobriety test and chemical are too subjective for an officer to use, in the sense that the officer might use them as means of imposing more charges on a driver. A driver with a simple mistake such as swerving unintentionally may be forced to do different sobriety tests, which he or she might fail, not because of being under the influence of drugs, but because of the harshness of the police towards the driver (n.w, 2015). In addition, in chemical test, a driver who might have used drugs a day before the incident, may have traces of alcohol in his or her blood a move which might lead to accusation of DUI. 

A judge can refuse to use either chemical and sobriety tests in a court of law, particularly when the driver has not committed the mistake frequently or before. In addition, if the car in which the driver was driving there were no children, nobody was injured during the incident, and no property or vehicle was involved in the accident (n.w, 2015). This makes the officers case null, thus the judge cannot allow the use of either sobriety or chemical test in a court of law.

Alcoholism cannot be considered as a disease, since increased dependence on alcohol leads to the development of a disease. Alcoholism is not a disease it is however an agent of a liver disease known as liver cirrhosis (Flowers, 2010). If alcoholism can be detect before it gets out of hand, then it cannot lead to the development of a disease. Alcoholism can therefore be reduced or be done away with through advising people on the negative effects of alcohol. In addition, the society should also teach and educate the youths on the importance of abstaining from alcohol and drugs.


n.w. (2015). DUI Offense Basics: Find Law. Retrieved from:

Flowers, W. D. (2010). Alcoholism/drug addiction: A disease or not! : what causes alcoholism and drug addiction.

337 Words  1 Pages
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