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The topic clearly represents what the paper will be talking about, which is self-disclosure, and how the process will be conducted. Self-disclosure is appropriate in helping professionals, in the sense that it helps in allowing them to understand their areas of weakness, through making them to realize how they may easily end up disclosing information, without actual intention of doing so (Thomas, 2010). In addition, self-disclosure allows professionals to speak their mind out, hence being able to know whatever challenges they may be going through, hence being able to come up with new techniques and ways of actual dealing with their issues. I might have concern disclosing topics such as politics, and my health issues, and this is basically because, these are the main topics which actually represent a person, and the way he or she reasons, and lives.        


  1. The client displayed resistance to treatment, because she thought she was not the person who was suffering from the condition, hence she predicted Oliver, who was suffering from the condition, should have been the one under treatment instead (James, 2014).
  2. The therapist was not tuned to her feelings, and this was because, the client was resisting the treatment in such a way that the therapist could not understand, this prompted the therapist to ask her what she really wanted, before he made things clearly, hence making her to understand why it was important for to be treated and not Oliver (James, 2014).
  3. As a therapist, I would have changed the way the therapist was administering the treatment, hence I would have initially talked about the importance of treating the client, before beginning the actual treatment, hence dealing with any form of resistance when the treatment begins (James, 2014).


Thomas, G. G. (2010). Ethical Aspects of Self-Disclosure in Psychotherapy: Psychiatric Times. Retrieved from:

James, K. (2014). Psychotherapy Examples: Part 11 Process Issues (Resistance to Treatment Plan):  

323 Words  1 Pages
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