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Adding Kangen Water Machines to Hospitals

Adding Kangen Water Machines to Hospitals


There is the need to ensure that the agents are convinced and independently directed in a way that would guarantee that they exhibit in concurrence with the guidelines, goals, qualities, and mission of the affiliation. The framework required the endured and regarded criticalness of preparing, through contracting, interest, correspondence, and socialization in the ensuring of the privilege and exact game plan of the exercises of the laborers toward accomplishing the targets of the Association (UPMC Pinnacle, 2017). In view of the late advancement in the plan of organization in the firm, there has been the prerequisite for the venture to contract staff and specialists according to the set down approach. This training would be incredibly immense in giving the best organizations to the customers has essentially squashed the undertakings to battle in the business, and this at that point requires the sticking to the basic procedure where these strategies were finished by choosing put individuals in this division of the economy.

The creator has many character qualities that are supplemented by his undertakings and voyages. The basic ones are his leeway, his knowledge or disarray, and his astonishing caution. His shrewdness and politeness help him to make due each and every through hi trips yet his preference, for the most part, harms him. All through the story unmistakably one of the creator' tremendous character qualities is interested. One example of his leverage was the time when he went to the place that is known for the Cyclops. He said that he anticipated that would go see what the Cyclopes took after in light of the way that he didn't know whether they were "wild savages, and raunchy, or all around arranged and god-dreading men. Another case of his leverage was the time when he goes to the place that is known for the Sirens. He incited his men to tie him up so he would not be fascinated by the Sirens' melodies. He said that on the off chance that they would bomb hopelessly, he may need to see what executed them (Babič, Gunde-Cimerman, Vargha, Tischner, Magyar, Veríssimo & Brandão, 2017). From his excited talk, it is to a great degree discernible that consumption and criticalness created the creator. In spite of the way that at long last the writer was bolstered by the celestial creatures, Ino and Athene, the essayist examined the writer' cautious and deliberative character by outlining his measuring every choice on the best way to touch base on an island. His character allowed him to avoid the allurements and greed every through hello voyage. Quick was not only the creator' quality, it was in like manner the typical for the Odyssey, strikingly with the valiant and brave characteristics of The Illiad.

The sudden invigorate blended the creator from his gobbling up life. Through this scene, the skilled worker depicted and advised the social event of observers that blessed individuals are not extraordinary. The creator, disregarding his understanding, in like way had deficiencies. Everyone passed on in the midst of that tempest, alongside the most fortunate of the stunning, the creator, who was in the meantime making due to the fate of his life. The since a long time earlier expected that landing of the creator would Ithaka accomplished. The next day, Telemachos announced his departure and surged home without making any stops (Hemery, Keyes Jr, Garaio, Rodrigo, Garcia, Plazaola & Sandre, 2017). The father and tyke took off back to their home in Ithaka meanwhile. The pinnacle of the story was best in class now the two voyagers, both more experienced than some time as of late, were coming back to a comparative place for a comparative reason. Their diverse outings completed when the creator revealed his identity. The two essential characters met at the pinnacle of the story and figuratively continued with the experience of destroying the suitors together. The created up Telemachos combat with his father to pound each one of the suitors. Telemachus, no longer fragile or ignorant, took after and executed the creator plot against the suitors perfectly. The creator, solid and respected, wiped out the abusing souls off his property.


Kangen water is attained through a process referred to as electrolysis that ionizes water by infusing the acidity and alkaline levels that are relevant to particular needs. The process balances P.H levels in ionized water and makes it ideal for health purposes. Kangen water has drawn some controversy in its use, with a section of health professionals citing that there is no tangible data that can prove the efficacy of the said water in the treatment of illnesses. The reason is that there have been no studies to substantiate the claims of its efficiency and conducted structured follow-ups towards the same (Cerbu, 2013). However, a larger section of health practitioners think otherwise and recommend this water to their patients. In spite of the lack of a wide range of empirical data, it is imperative to note that the health issues that are prevalent today are caused by the acidity and alkaline levels in the human body. Even cancer, which is one of the fatal illnesses of today, is significantly brought forth by acidic conditions in the body. The P.H level affects how the brain works, digestion, and a range of complicated health issues from which individuals today suffer. Hence, the healthcare industry has come to the conclusion that water that is ionized with the appropriate alkaline and acidity conditions could be the long-lasting solution to improving the health of individuals today.

Kangen water can be traced to the Japanese healthcare system in the 1950s. In this period, Japan experiences immense acidic rain that originated from China. The result was that water remained contaminated and thus affected a majority of the populace who developed serious health conditions as a consequent of the high levels of acidity. Hence, health practitioners and scientists alike embarked on the journey towards finding a solution that would restore the health of the people. In the course of many experiments, the experts stumble upon waters that had high alkaline P.H levels in India (Yanagita, 2016). They then realized that this is the answer to the acidity problem in Japan after testing it and discovering its healing components. The practitioners thus returned to Japan and started initiatives to make the water ionized with alkaline conditions. It is important to note that the word “Kangen” denotes to “back to the origin.” The health practitioners thus named their water Kangen because they wanted to return to the origin of water that was not polluted and destroyed by the high levels of acidity from different chemicals that are continually introduced to the natural environment. The process of electrolysis had been in existence for decades, having been introduced by Michael Faraday in the 1880s. Russia performed research and development on the project but Japan is the country that eventually put it on the market. Since then, hospitals in Japan have adopted the technology as a possible solution to numerous health conditions. The Japanese Ministry of Health has been on the front row in affirming the use of Kangen water to treat diseases and promote the health of Japanese people (Ravishankar & Zhu, 2016). More than 100 hospitals in the country have since adopted the use of ionized water, with a projection of much more joining in this endeavor in the next 5 years. However, many hospitals abroad are still quite skeptical about this technology, especially since follow-up data on patients is very limited. Others even argue that the Japanese Ministry of Health has only been responsible for approving the water as a safe option, but has not substantiated claims regarding its efficacy in promoting the health and well-being of patients.

The problem that this proposal will focus on is the presence of acidic imbalances in the body as a possible cause of the many health problems that individuals face today. The proposal presents the acidity problem as one that can potentially be eliminated by the use of ionized or Kangen water (Myers, 2014). However, the obstacle to solving this problem still lies in the lack of trust in this technology that prevents many hospitals from adopting the same. All health professionals are aware of the fact that many processes and cell functioning in the body are dependent on a healthy alkaline environment. Normal water has been linked to enabling the balance of P.H levels, but recent eating habits and the introduction of many chemicals in the human body make this option insufficient. Researchers opine that a high acidity level corrodes the body system and slowly weakens major body organs with time (Cerbu, 2013). Water alone would not suffice in ridding the body of this issues, which thus demands a solution that is long-lasting and can prove to be effective within a short time. Hence, the solution lies in the use of Kangen water that would remedy many health issues that patients have in hospitals. The water can promote healing and restore body cells that have been damaged by too much acidity. Moreover, Kangen water can be used for sterilization and elimination of potential infections if hospitals apply the appropriate acidity levels in the water (Cozad & Jones, 2003). Kangen water machines have the potential of being the answer to diseases, infections, and healing in hospitals if it applied appropriately and embraced as a solution that seeks to restore the cells in the body to their natural form.

According to Babič et al., (2017) Kangen Water machines refers to the devices that are utilized in filtering tap based water and also ionizes it in order to generate alkaline water through the process of electrolysis. The benefits of the ionized water cannot be ignored since they are particularly substantial in regard to health and can be utilized in improving the general life’s quality for patients in hospitals. In other works adding the machines in hospitals within the American setting can help in improving the healthcare system. However, despite the number of benefits such as cost saving and efficiency which are associated with the alkaline water the machines are yet to be adopted in the American hospitals. Since the primary objective of the reformed healthcare system is to enhance life for each and every individual the hospitals should acquire this machines and in turn improve the system and life for Americans. Ionized water has the ability to effectively enhance the life of an individual in a number of ways particularly in reference to health (UPMC Pinnacle, 2017). In essence, alkaline is proposed for distinct patients in need of boosting minerals for recovery.

Gerber, (2015) asserts that in America the healthcare sector is among the industries that are embracing technological innovation in solving issues, creating efficiency, enhancing services quality and decreasing the operating expenses. Currently, the general level of the adopted technology in the healthcare system has been effective in extending life-span and the quality of life for everyone. In that, it is through technology that fresh diagnostic and treatment options have been achieved. However with this growth comes high operating expenses in general an aspect that might be deterring hospitals in American from acquiring Kangen water machines (UPMC Pinnacle, 2017). It is rather surprising that unlike other machines that offer close benefits the machines are affordable and the installation and use are easy and friendly thus, it is easier for the adoption to fit within the set operating budgets.

For countries such as Japan where the Kagen water machines have been adopted at a high rate, they are currently boosting the increased improvement in hospital-based operations that have been achieved (Gerber, 2015). The adoption of the machines demonstrates that the healthcare system in the United States is ready and willing to utilize the helpful and most beneficial technology to enhance the lives of patients and the public in general. By offering ionized water to the patients in hospitals this leads to decreased intervention expenses and efforts. The ionized water serves as the primary supplement for different medical interventions since it is useful in achieving a number of functions simultaneously. The utilization of the water is essential in saving the general expenses for acquiring antioxidating medicines, energy drinks as well as dehydration meds (Gerber, 2015). In addition, the process of processing healthier and cleaner water is conserved.

Some of the benefits of Kangen water might include having several antioxidants which are essential in neutralizing dangerous radicals. In addition, since the water is alkaline this helps in fighting against the development of acidity in the body (Hall, 2017). This leads to better body moisturizing due to increased smaller molecules. With increased support for healthier metabolism, this triggers the capability of the body to heal faster. Kangen water is mainly proposed for individuals lacking adequate energy and tiresomeness, digestive issues, skin problems, chronic illnesses such as diabetes, muscle problems and skin illnesses (Hall, 2017). Medical experience in the Japan healthcare setting has demonstrated that in most cases Kangen water has enhanced the wellness of the patients that have previously failed to respond to different pharmaceutical treatment that includes hypertension, digestive issues, liver impairment, kidney failure, respiratory and metabolism disorder. In addition, it is indicated by studies it has been verified experimentally that Kangen water constrains cancer cells duplication (Hall, 2017).

Some of the benefits that have been recognized in regard to Kangen water are easing chronic diarrhea and vomiting, eases surplus gastric acid, lessens digestive abnormalities and constrains unusual fermentation within the digestive system. This means that by consuming the water the body is expected to respond more positively due to its high level of base which is effective in neutralization of acid in the stomach. For most patients suffering from chronic illnesses are subjected to digestive abnormalities due to the low capability by most organs to respond. If the digestion process is ineffective this leads to the forming of gases in the stomach that creates more infections that can affect life’s quality and treatment responses. In addition, diarrhea can occur due to infectious fermentation and incomplete digestion. Such complication will ultimately lead to the loss of appetite, weight and ultimate death. This is not what the system is centered on since its primary objective is to enhance health wellness. Through the use of alkaline water digestive issues can be reduced and the responsiveness of major organs enhanced such as the kidney which will lead to general wellness. The challenges that comes with chronic illnesses cannot be ignored since the government is forced to spend more in creating a balance amid cost and wellness. More hospitals are adopting Kangen machines for water purification  everyday particularly in Asia as a primary part of the general treatment since this benefits are not only addressing the challenges that comes with chronic illnesses.

Medical Uses of Kangen Water in Hospital Treatment

According to Hall (2017), Kangen water is utilized in the fast reduction of the levels of blood sugar among diabetic patients. One of an essential treatment option in regard to diabetes is based on dietary control. In most cases, however, the treatment on the basis of controlling diets is not adequate nor effective. Changes in dietary might result in lower levels of sugars in the blood gradually, leading to reduced energy and inappropriate responses to infections or treatment. It has however been observed by most hospitals that close to 80 percent of patients suffering from diabetes who have been prescribed and engaged in Kangen water intake demonstrated reduced sugar levels within the first fourteen days of acquiring treatment (Gerber, 2015). This has made it very possible for the reduction of the general level of diabetic treatment prescriptions being administered. In addition, to stabilizing sugar levels the cost of treatment goes down since medical needs are minimized.

Hemery, et al (2017) another use is to increase the therapeutic ability of gangrene which is caused by diabetes. It is only patients that are in the last stage of this illness that might not show the much positive response to alkaline water treatment after several months of use. It is reported that with a month of the water consumption as generated by the machines patients are fully recovered from gangrene particularly those that adhere to the set diet control. In addition Kangen water results in fast normalization of increased uric based acid state for patients with respiratory issues (Hall, 2017). Most hospitals from the developed regions that are utilizing the machines have recorded a decrease and increased uric acid state standardization between two up to four weeks after beginning to consume the Kangen water based on prescription. More so, increased health improvement particularly for patients suffering from liver cirrhosis and hepatitis.  It is believed that Kangen water consumption is highly effective in the treatment of both acute, chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis (Hall, 2017). From a representing case research conducted among male patients over sixty years demonstrated adequate improvement after a month of consuming Kangen water. It is after the achievement that medical treatment and diet was withdrawn to allow the patients to acquire more benefits while consuming the water. It is asserted that with a 6 months continuous Kangen water treatment the liver normally returns to its standard functioning. It is usual for aging people and those that are characterized by chronic illnesses to suffer from prolonged high blood pressure without the condition acquiring any standardization. This comes with a rather fast healing of the stomach and other infections within the duodenum. Kidney functioning is normalized which ultimately leads to better kidney functioning and lowered menstruations challenges in general. In that, the water is purified and characterized by fewer particles and this deters the formation of acidic gas that might affect health (Gerber, 2015).

Preddie, (2012) asserts that despite the absence of adequate empirical data in support of the general use of Kangen water and the general health benefits. It cannot be doubted that chronic illnesses remains to be the primary issue within the current health sector and thus there is a need not only to look for a more effective option but adopt those that are technologically advanced such as Kangen water machines. Chronic treatment is not only expensive but it is psychologically demanding. The complications that arise with the illnesses can be standardized through the consumption of alkaline water. Even cancer and ulcers which is one of the most common illnesses of today are essentially created by acidity and body stability change. The high P.H level affects the general functioning of the body including the stomach, brain as well as respiratory. Hence, the healthcare industry has come to the conclusion that water that is ionized with the appropriate alkaline and acidity conditions could be the long-lasting solution to improving the health of individuals today (Preddie, 2012).


Kangen Water machines are devices that filters tap water and ionize it to give alkaline water through electrolysis. The ionized water has significant health benefits which can help in improving patients’ quality of life in most hospitals. Since the machines are not currently present in American based hospitals, it is recommended that these hospitals need to acquire the machines and consequently improve the healthcare system in the United States. Based on the above analysis it is apparent that Kangen Water Machines is not just a means of improving the life’s quality of the patients and public but will also lead to increased efficiency and reduced operating expenses. It is thus, recommended that similar to other countries that have enhanced their services quality the American hospitals should also utilize this technology as well as the machines to exploit the benefits. Since America is well equipped with regard to technology and resources adopting the machines will not affect the healthcare financial stability rather the associated benefits will outweigh the adaptation expenses. This technology will improve the general healthcare systems as well as increase the confidence of the public in regard to accessing health services. Kagen water machine is essential as it purifies, ionizes, and breaks down as well as alkaline water. The more the alkaline water that an individual consumes the higher the healthier they become. Alkaline and ionized water are useful in boosting body minerals that are highly essential in patient’s recovery and resistance to infections and allergies. The machines are not only effective but they will result in the general reduction of the general healthcare based treatment thus improving wellbeing.















Babič, M. N., Gunde-Cimerman, N., Vargha, M., Tischner, Z., Magyar, D., Veríssimo, C., & Brandão, J. (2017). Fungal Contaminants in Drinking Water Regulation? A Tale of Ecology, Exposure, Purification and Clinical Relevance. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health14(6), 636.

Gerber, S. (2015). 9 ways of gathering meaningful data about your customersThe Next Web. Retrieved 15 October 2017, from

Hall, H. (2017). The SkepDoc: pH mythology: separating pHacts from pHiction. Skeptic (Altadena, CA)22(2), 4-6.

Hemery, G., Keyes Jr, A. C., Garaio, E., Rodrigo, I., Garcia, J. A., Plazaola, F. & Sandre, O. (2017). Tuning sizes, morphologies, and magnetic properties of mono-vs. Multi-core iron oxide nanoparticles through control of added water in the polyol synthesis. arXiv preprint arXiv:1701.05858.

Preddie, N. (2012). 5 types of data you should gather when doing market researchFree Accounting, Invoicing, Payments, Payroll and more – The Wave Blog. Retrieved 15 October 2017, from

 UPMC Pinnacle. (2017). Kangen Water™ | Health Resources | Wellness Library | UPMC Retrieved 15 October 2017, from



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