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Paper instructions:

Our field is rich with misinformation. You can Google any topic on fitness, wellness, or nutrition and find 10s of thousands of websites with information based on partial truths or complete falsehoods. Additionally, many certifications in out arena do not require rigorous training.  You have chosen a different path. You are taking the time to learn the scientific basis of the body in motion.

Write a 3 page minimum, 1” margins, double-space, paper, with proper APA citation, reviewing 2 research articles (same topic) on the effects of activity or inactivity on health, mental health, or wellness. YOU MUST ALSO UPLOAD THE 2 JOURNAL ARTICLES YOU USED AND CITED.  
For full points, include:
1.    The problem being studied
2.    The hypothesis
3.    The experiment design
4.    The results
5.    The conclusions
6.    Limitations of the studies
7.    What the authors suggests for future research
After you have reviewed the 2 articles, write a paragraph or section that explains the article's findings in laymen’s terms - like you would explain it to a friend or patient/client.  Include at least two facts or statistics from the research papers in your laymen’s terms explanation.

The 2 articles I wish to use have been uploaded. Please look at the rubric I attached to help ensure I get full points. I also included 2 examples of others' completed work if it may help.

238 Words  1 Pages
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