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Puzzle Games Assisted Therapy Program


                                    Puzzle Games Assisted Therapy Program            

  1. Population & Issue:

Teens with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) between the ages of 7 to 18 years

  1. Title and description of specific program:

Puzzle games assisted therapy program.

The teens will be engaged in puzzle games where it is all about joining different parts together to come up with something that is meaningful.

  1. Based on a comprehensive activity analysis, describe the areas of concern and what modifications or adaptations would be implemented:

The areas of concern in this program is getting the teenagers to like the puzzle games and also encouraging them to play with one another as a team. In order to ensure that the teenagers learn to accommodate one another as partners, they will be talked to about the ways to start conversations with others, for instance talking about their interests like hobbies and asking others what they are doing. Doing this will encourage the teenagers to converse more with one another which will make them accommodate one another in the puzzle games.

  1. Statement of Purpose:

Playing of puzzle games for autism teenagers will help enhance the cognitive as well as speech and communication abilities of the teenagers.

  1. TPO1:

 To demonstrate an increase in cognitive abilities and social skills

  1. EO1:

 To demonstrate the ability to communicate more effectively with others

  1. PM1:

 By the end of the program the teenagers will be able to make more friends and be more open to sharing as well as playing games with other people.

  1. What social interaction pattern are you using and why?

Cooperation pattern is most effective in this program because by helping the teenagers to improve both their cognitive and communication skills through the puzzles, they will have more improved interactive social skills now that they are at a disadvantage of resource distribution and social status.

301 Words  1 Pages
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