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Obesity in West Virginia

 Obesity in West Virginia



            Obesity is an issue that is caused by presence of excess body fats than normal. This is a major crisis in many areas of the world and West Virginia is one of the areas that are greatly affected. There are several steps that need to be taken in order to handle this issue like educating the caregivers on proper diet and also exercise in order to keep fit. This problem is affecting anyone including one’s own children hence there is the need to see steps of education to people an diet and exercise needs to be done. Good health and reduced cases of chronic illness like heart associated problems are some of the measures that will enable to tell that the actions done have really worked.


            Obesity is a medical illness that results from a situation where a person has excess body fats that might affect their health. Obesity has been a major crisis in many areas globally and mostly in West Virginia. There is the need to know the causes, effects and how to curb the issue among the people who are mostly affected, that is; the children and adults.

            Kent Leonhardt is the head of department of agriculture in West Virginia.  He views the issue of obesity as a major concern that is affecting most adults and children. It is being associated with increased rate of high blood pressure cases among children as well as adults (Co, Jeffrey, Emmett, Modak & Sondike, 2015). The children who have the issue of obesity are usually at high risk of being victims of obesity. Obesity in early life of a child is viewed as a chronic medical illness. Early diagnosis and treatment of the children and adults who are affected by obesity are some of the steps that can be administered in order to fight this issue of obesity. Kent has the ability to solve this issue of obesity by introducing education sessions concerning proper diet that will protect the people from getting obese. This problem affects many people including the family members therefore it is a great concern. The children can be victims of the same. There is the need to see actions of changes in the diet that people are eating nowadays.

            Catherine C. Slemp is the head of health department in West Virginia. He is another stakeholder who addresses this issue of obesity as major crisis. Obesity is mostly contributed by lack of sufficient knowledge concerning the child-hood diet by the caregivers. Lack of physical activities is yet another issue (Kaphingst & Story, 2009). Children and also adults are supposed to engage in activities that enhance good body fitness and avoid foods that are highly contributing to increased cases of this issue. Physical activity also improves the health status. These steps will enable energy balance in the body of the baby. This issue is affecting many people in the families and also friends hence it is calling for immediate interventions. Good advice given to the caretakers of the children is something that needs to be implemented in order to fight this issue of obesity.

            Sistersville is the head of recreation in West Virginia who views obesity as a major crisis that is affecting the people. When people carry out recreational activities, they are usually in the position to keep safe from obesity crisis (McLean, Hurd, McLean & Hurd, 2014). Even children and close people in the family are at high risk of obesity. There is therefore the need for taking steps of participating in recreational activities. Having a future that has minimal cases of obesity and cardiovascular diseases is one of the measures that will tell that the steps were adhered to.

            Stephen T Williams is the mayor of Huntington, West Virginia who also views the issue obesity as a great threat to the people. He feels that this is something that needs to addressed because it is affecting many people especially children who are later affected by the condition in life. Offering education among learners in schools is a step that can contribute to effective control of the issue (bb, J & Kes, 2013). Obesity is an alarming issue as it affecting any person regardless of age or sex hence a lot of money is incurred during care of the clients. There is the need to see that the learners have been impacted with the knowledge even those who want to have higher education and having a future with less cases of this condition is an implication of effectiveness of this step.

            David McKinley is House Representative in West Virginia who feels that obesity is a major crisis. There is the need to take step on changing food preferences for the children in order to eradicate the issue of obesity among them (McGee, 2012). This include establishment of small gardens in school and kitchens so that the children can stop buying junk foods which are contributing to obesity. This policy needs to be implemented in order to save children who are close associates in our families hence the issue affects us directly if it is not addressed. Future life without cases of obesity is a measure that will show the step had been well implemented.


            Obesity is a major crisis in West Virginia and is directly affecting many people. There is therefore the need to take actions that will enable curb the cases and ensure that the steps have been implemented so that in future there will no or less cases of obesity.







Co, J., Jeffrey, J., Emmett, M., Modak, A., & Sondike, S. B. (2015). Obesity, hypertension and    metabolic syndrome in children in West Virginia. The West Virginia medical journal,            111(4), 20.

Kaphingst, K. M., & Story, M. (2009). Child care as an untapped setting for obesity prevention: state child care licensing regulations related to nutrition, physical activity, and media            use for preschool-aged children in the United States. Preventing chronic disease,    6(1),    A11-A11.

Gibb, J., & Kes, T. (2013). The Parthenon, February 19, 2013


McLean, D., Hurd, A., McLean, U. N. L. V. D., & Hurd, D. A. (2014). Kraus' Recreation and Leisure in Modern Society. Burlington: Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC.

McGee, J. (2012). A Model for School Food Policy: How Schools Can Fight Childhood Obesity   by Changing Children's Food Preferences.

1054 Words  3 Pages
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