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Data Analysis: Sleep and Happiness


                                        Data Analysis: Sleep and Happiness

  1. Research Methods

            The participants used during this exercise were both male and female of different ages. The study design of this experiment involves comparing the how various factors, such as environmental factors, affects sleep and happiness in male and female students. During this exercise, face-to-face interviews and questionnaires were used as the ultimate means of collecting data from targeted students of the PPP College.           

  1. Measures

            The exercise took into consideration the average sleep time the participants could have had as the baseline. The exposure was grouped was divided into two that is how positive effects and positive effects affects sleep. From the excel data, ≤ 4 hours/day was considered to be the shorted sleep duration of the participants while ≥ 10 hours/day was considered to be longest sleep duration of the participants.

            The primary outcome of this experiment will be evaluating the number of participants who experienced difficulties as far as positive and the negative factors are concerned.

External factors such as fatigue and sleep duration are the main variables that were collected from this study.

Conceptual model











  1. Analysis


  1. Analysis

            Odds ratios were the main association measures used. In this case, sex-adjusted risk ratio to understand the positive and negative factors affects the sleep and happiness. In this case, intermediaries such as frequent exercise were used to aid in examining individual number of students experiencing sleeping difficulties. During the same exercise, it quantitative data analysis was used to validate the manner in which sleep and happiness is influenced by these factors which in return impact the education success and the wellbeing of the students.


270 Words  1 Pages
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