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Epilepsy and seizures


            According to the modern research, epilepsy and seizures have been realized to be the main factors that have the ability of impacting the nervous system. The reason for that is because it has been realized the majority of individuals suffering from this disease ultimately end up being affected by seizures that are ultimately derived from personal notions. Due to the fact these conceptions have extensively changed, the truth is that the same scenario is ultimately contained in other religious ideologies. The reason for that is because the general definition has been greatly perceived as being a synchronous excitation of the neuronal population. In the case of status epileptucus, it has been noted that seizures has the ability of lasting for minutes or seconds although it can be prolonged depending on an individual’s immunity. This indicates that the clinical manifestations always varies taking into account the manner in which in it impacts his or her muscular contractions (Webinar: Orrin Devinsky discusses cannabis compounds for epilepsy. (2019).

            Nevertheless, although the differences that exist between epilepsy and seizures are not well understood, the truth is that the two evolves differently. The reason for that is because as much as epilepsy result to spontaneous and recurrent seizures, it does not imply that an individual might end up having them. According to the modern research, seizures are always provoked are revoked from the initial epileptic conditions. What this implies is the fact that in case one seizure evolves in a person, it cannot be used as the main basis of suggesting that such an individual is affected by epilepsy. Preferably, the concept of epileptogenisis is what has been realized to have the potential of suggesting the manner in which sequential events end up altering the normal functioning of the brain which in return induces seizures.  As a matter of fact, research indicates that the abnormal discharge of neurons is as a result of them becoming hyperexcitable.

Then describe the pathophysiology behind epilepsy Finally, how could this webinar affect practice as an APRN

            Ideally, the intent of the Webinar series entails facilitating the free exchange of personal information amongst researchers which ultimately takes into consideration the views of the unpublished, published, as well as the hypothesis that might be withdrawn from the result being obtained. As a result of that, it implies that it is important for the associated organizations to have the potential of displaying essential information which will in return have the ability of illuminating the manner in which such consent ought to be perceived by others (Webinar: Orrin Devinsky discusses cannabis compounds for epilepsy. (2019).

            On the other hand, what the same information indicates is the fact that epilepsy is one of the complex ailments that comes with diverse medical characteristics which ultimately has the ability of predicting or precluding singular mechanisms.  This implies that the only means that can be used to gain an insight regarding the mechanisms that can be used to minimize the perceived features of epilepsy will have to take into consideration its epileptogenesis as well the manner in which the unprovoked seizures end up redefining it. Ideally, the commonest means that have been noted to have the ability of explaining the disruption which exists between individual normal balances entail understanding its inhibition and excitation.

            Due to the existence of various mechanisms, it implies that there is also the need of understanding the normal nervous system controls that has the potential of enhancing that balance. Regardless of that, another point of consideration is the fact that the need of understanding the seizures that end up developing in an individual brain is one of the factors that can is in illustrating the manner in which they are superimposed on the distorted nervous system. The reason for that is because there are different means that have been realized to have the ability of including diverse changes which in return enhances mechanistic predictions as one of the challenges (Webinar: Orrin Devinsky discusses cannabis compounds for epilepsy. (2019).

            Nonetheless, the need of understanding the mechanisms of seizures in an epileptic person have been realized to have the ability of making medical professionals to realize the manner in which the static conditions that that makes such a disease to continue evolving. For instance, in the process of using sequential lobe epilepsy, it is evident that individual genes, associated growth mechanisms, as well as neuronal plasticity have been realized to have the ability of playing an essential role in the establishment of hyperexcitability.  Despite that, the truth is that some of the critical controls that are used ultimately points towards the emergence of chronic seizures in the temporal lope epilepsy, which in return aid in signifying its severity, frequency, and persistence.

            On the other hand, what the modern research suggests is the fact that the generation of seizures in the human brain is something that has the ability of altering its normal functioning. The reason for that is because the central nervous system (CNS) is ultimately designed for the purpose of enhancing balance excitation as well as inhibition. In return, it implies that once the mechanisms of the CS have been changed, it will end up creating increased excitability as well as superimposing the intermittent seizures. The reason for that is because the mechanisms that end up establishing the excitability state is the one that aid in reflecting the means that are used for plasticity and normal growth. These mechanisms are also essential for enhancing limbic system functioning (Webinar: Orrin Devinsky discusses cannabis compounds for epilepsy. (2019). Therefore, what this implies is the fact that it is these mechanisms that has the ability of enabling the central nervous system (CNS) to have the ability of developing complex structures as well as other mechanisms that provides plasticity.  It is, therefore, important to understand the differences that exist between basic and medical research regarding epilepsy.


            To sum up, medical observations indicates that it is the existence of various forms of epilepsy that has the ability of inducing other associated ailment events. The reason for that is because the changes that evolves during its evolvement is ultimately result to delayed necrosis of the inhibitory interneurons. This could also induce the sprouting of the axonal collateral which in return results to self reforming or reverberating circuits. Therefore, individuals who might be at the risk of developing this disorder as a result of acquired lesion should take into account the importance of using the recommended anti-epileptogentic compounds that has the ability of preventing such network changes. It is also important for medical professionals to ensure that they have provided comprehensive health care as well as covering all aspects regarding epilepsy treatment.







Webinar: Orrin Devinsky discusses cannabis compounds for epilepsy. (2019). Retrieved 17 July 2019, from




1131 Words  4 Pages
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