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Homeless children


 It is true that homeless children face devastating experiences that negatively affect their health and well-being.  In 2009, The National Centre on Family Homelessness found that in the U.S., one child in every 50 children is homeless.  The U.S Department of Housing and Urban Development also finds that children become homelessness because their families lack affordable housing, lack access to resources, lack access to quality health, unemployment, among other factors (Guarino & Bassuk, 2010).  Another important point to understand about homelessness children is that they suffer from traumatic stress, which is triggered by domestic violence, physical and sexual abuse, lack of sense of security, poverty, among other factors.  The traumatic experiences affect children's growth and development and most of them experience language disabilities, speech delays, delays in motor skills, personal growth, among other areas (Guarino & Bassuk, 2010).  They also become vulnerable to both acute and chronic illnesses such as asthma and neurological deficits respectively.

 Homelessness is a serious issue that needs to be dealt with in order to save children from depression, anxiety, and other emotional and behavioral problems.  I think that in addition to community outreach which should be done by community volunteers, clinicians,  and childcare workers should work with homeless families to identify the needs,  solve the traumatic stress, and implement strategies to eliminate homelessness (Guarino & Bassuk, 2010).  I think that apart from providing the homeless children with services and resources, it would be better if the childcare providers are educated about the traumatic stress so that they can help children who have come across multiple traumas to manage past traumas.  Thus, I propose a trauma-based response to help the children manage feelings and situations. Secondly,  after ensuring that children are able to manage the traumatic situation,  service providers should create a safe environment where children  gains emotional safety.  The service provider should now conduct child assessment to identify the needs of children and create referral networks so that the children can receive care and intensive services (Guarino & Bassuk, 2010).  Finally, service providers should promote relationships and strengthen attachments between children and their parents.





 Guarino, K., & Bassuk, E. (2010). Working with families experiencing homelessness:

Understanding trauma and its impact. Zero to Three, 30(3), 11.

374 Words  1 Pages
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