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Legalization of Medicinal Cannabis

Legalization of Medicinal Cannabis Outline


Medicinal cannabis has brought a lot of controversies concerning its legalization in the United States because it is still considered illegal by the federal government. However, it has been legalized in Washington, DC, along with 29 other states. Besides, the National Institute of Health indicates that it has been in use for over 3000 years for medicinal purposes, with 85% of American people supporting its call for legalization.

Thesis statement

This paper will provide an argument on why medicinal marijuana needs to be legalized.


  1. It helps in relieving chronic pain and reduction of alcohol and substance addiction 
  1. In studies that have been conducted on its effectiveness in relieve of pain, the findings indicated that it was.
  2. A study also should that use of marijuana helped individuals struggling with alcohol and drug addiction to fight it
  3. Therefore, medicinal cannabis is more beneficial; thus, it should be legalized.
  1. Management of cancer
  1. Research indicated that oral cannabinoids or smoked cannabis are effective in managing the side effects of chemotherapy in cancer patients
  2. Cannabinoids have been found to slow down growth and eliminate some types of cancer
  3. It thus helps in addressing some of the conditions that other medications have not been proved effective. Therefore it should be legalized.
  1. Regular and daily usage can result in mental illnesses
  1. Research studies have indicated that daily and regular use of cannabis predisposes individuals to complications of bipolar disorder.
  2. Other evidence has found a link with regular marijuana use with increased experiences of suicidal thoughts
  3. Although there is evidence to link marijuana use with mental illness, it is connected mainly with regular use but not the one which is under control and dosage as medicinal cannabis. Therefore, it should be legalized.


           In conclusion, medicinal marijuana has many benefits than risks. Besides, its complications are linked with regular and daily use, which is not commonly the case with the ones for medicinal purposes. Therefore, it should be legalized to help patients with health challenges to address their issues and live a better life.   



343 Words  1 Pages
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