How do you think that COVID-19 will change your future? Meaning, how will your education, your well-being and health, and/or social change?
Annie Zhang
COVID-19 virus is very serious. It is officially a global pandemic that has devastated every aspect of our lives, including work, school, interaction, and play. The coronavirus has affected and will continue to affect education, personal well-being, and society. On personal well-being and health, I believe that as the COVID-19 spreads, there will be healthcare inequality and this means that I will not be in a position to access quality care due to lack of purchasing power. The society has already developed fears and concern that COVID-19 will give those in higher position the power to exclude, and neglect people from social benefits. On social life and education, the government has minimized social contact by placing strict measures on social distancing. Even though social distancing will protect people from infections, we will experience unintended consequences because the idea of connecting less will lead to loneliness and stress. On the other hand, businesses and schools will rely heavily on the internet to keep business running. While the shift to an internet-based approach to teaching brings advantages, many aspects of our daily lives that used to involve face to face contact will be moved to cyberspace, and this will present unprecedented challenges. While it is too early to determine the long-term impact of this crisis, I am confident that it will trigger dramatic changes in the way we live in the future. But as long as we are confident to stay at home and practice social distancing, I believe we can solve this crisis.