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ICU patient diary


Nursing Interventions


 I chose this article because it covers my area of nursing which I am interested in and that is the critical care nursing. The article includes a nursing intervention that is used in the intensive care unit which is the ICU patient diary. The patient diary is used to write notes concerning the patient of events that they may not remember or may not even know.  This article gives more insight into the importance of including family members to be a part of writing the ICU diary. This enables them to express their thoughts and show support and care to the patient and be a part of their recovery journey.

The ICU diary is an intervention that is holistic and caring since it has been reported to enhance the recovery of patients and prevent post-traumatic stress after being hospitalized. For the critical care nurses, writing the diary improves their perception about the patient and their condition (Ednell Siljegrenb & Engströmc 2017).  It also leads to more personal and holistic nursing. The ICU diaries help to give a record of the needs and insufficiencies experienced by the patient which contributes to the improvement of nursing care. The ICU diaries have a huge clinical benefit to the patient and are a cost-effective intervention.

The diary is written in an informative way for it to be a source of comforting and instilling confidence in the patients and families. The ICU diary intervention allows the patient’s relatives to access the diary, whether by writing or reading and this makes them feel encouraged about the progress and also act as the patient’s motivation towards recovery (Ednell Siljegrenb & Engströmc 2017). Writing the ICU diary shows commitment, compassion for the CCN because they have to write with respect and consideration.




Ednell, A. K., Siljegren, S., & Engström, Å. (2017). The ICU patient diary–A nursing

intervention that is complicated in its simplicity: A qualitative study. Intensive and Critical Care Nursing40, 70-76.


328 Words  1 Pages
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