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What is lymph, and how does it differ from the circulatory system? How does it interact with the immune system and why is this important?

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

For each discussion question, please write about a paragraph or more depending on the length needed to answer it completely. Also include references. 

Discussion questions 2 :
What is lymph, and how does it differ from the circulatory system? How does it interact with the immune system and why is this important? 

Discussion question 3: 
Read the following article in The Guardian, about the wildly diverse microbial population that inhabits our gut! This article provides evidence that what we eat feeds different populations of different types of microbes. Depending on which microbes flourish, different byproducts may be produced and the chemistry of our digestive system can change. How could changes in pH alter our digestive lining? How could the uniqueness of each individual’s "Microbiome” result in individuals being susceptible to some diseases over others?
Use this document published by the American Academy of Microbiology, FAQ: Human Microbiome to accomplish your research for your responses.

Discussion question 5: 
After you complete your Background readings on the reproductive system, you will continue on to your Case Assignment investigating infertility, a common current issue in our country.  For this discussion, read these articles in ScienceDaily on cutting-edge research in this field by clicking on the following links: 
Endocrine disruptors impair human sperm function, research finds
Stress degrades sperm quality, study shows 
Post your reaction to these findings and comment on the potential effect of the environment and cortisol (glucocorticoids) on reproduction.

252 Words  1 Pages
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