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As a healthcare manager, you will hire and direct many employees who support the doctors, nurses and other direct care providers and keep the operations running from patient scheduling through the billing and reimbursement process. Some of these will be

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:
As a healthcare manager, you will hire and direct many employees who support the doctors, nurses and other direct care providers and keep the operations running from patient scheduling through the billing and reimbursement process.  Some of these will be CMAA certified.

  As you begin this course, answer the following questions: Why is it important for a manager to understand the job responsibilities and knowledge and skills needed by their staff? 

What is the value of certifications such as CMAA and others such as registered health information technician (RHIT) or certified coding specialist (CCS)? 
Why is it important for you as a student to review your progress in acquiring knowledge and developing competencies in the healthcare management field?

129 Words  1 Pages
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