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What have you learned about yourself as we progress during this pandemic?

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Ensure the length of the paper is a minimum of four (4) FULL pages, not including the title page (reference page is optional depending on your work);
What have you learned about yourself as we progress during this pandemic?
Explain and describe the person you were prior to CV-19 (an overall assessment with specifics);
Explain and describe at least three (3) traits/skills that you already have that have helped you during this initial time of social distancing and CV-19 "world";
Explain and describe at least five (5) traits/skills that you already noticed that have NOT helped you during this initial time of social distancing and CV-19 "world";
Based on both sets of traits/skills, what have you done differently to adjust during this current pandemic;
Based on both sets of traits/skills, how will you continue to adjust after the current pandemic?

151 Words  1 Pages
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