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Select one of the four major sports leagues in the U.S. Complete research to find a recent example of how the commissioner in that league has used the best interest of the game clause. Consider the commissioner’s use of the clause and whether you think th

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Select one of the four major sports leagues in the U.S. Complete research to find a recent example of how the commissioner in that league has used the best interest of the game clause. Consider the commissioner’s use of the clause and whether you think the use was appropriate or inappropriate.

Submit a 1- to 2-page paper on the instance you selected in which you analyze the commissioner’s use of the best interest of the game clause.

Your analysis must contain the following:
A description of the instance you selected: Identify the commissioner and provide a brief summary of his or her use of the best interest of the game clause

An evaluation of the commissioner’s use of the clause: Explain whether the clause was used appropriately, and why

An evaluation of commissioner’s use of the clause: Describe any changes or adaptations you would have made in the instance if you were the commissioner

167 Words  1 Pages
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