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Pediatric Illness Guidelines

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

  1. Etiology, Epidemiology, Pathophysiology, Clinical Manifestations, Work-up, Nonpharmacological, and Pharmacological Management, Education, and Follow-up for a pediatric diagnosis or pediatric care consideration.

    2. (325+ words) Add in second and third-line treatments and additional considerations. Example requirement, only evidence-based sources, such as AAFP, CDC, IDSA, ADA, JNC 8, etc. (textbook resources and internet sites affiliated with medical associations are considered credible sources to obtain the information on the most up to date guidelines).

    Add in the link to the guideline(s)

    REFERENCES (APA 7th ed. formatting, at least 3-4 peer-reviewed scholarly articles, current within the past 5 years.)

    The paper will be checked by Grammarly and Turnitin for plagiarism.
118 Words  1 Pages
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