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Iodine Deficiencies in Women

Questions we Can Help you to Answer

Paper Instructions:

Assignment 1: Iodine Deficiencies in Women

Many women unknowingly are deficient in iodine.

In three to five pages thoroughly explain and/or cover the following:
-What role does iodine plays in the female body?
-Why are so many women are deficient in iodine?
-The benefits of iodine supplementation
-Recommended daily intake of iodine for women in different stages of there lives (Menopause, Childbearing Age, Pregnant, Menstruating) 
-Possible side effects (if any) of exceeding the recommended amounts
- Foods that contain iodine

Remember to include a conclusion, summarizing your key takeaways.

Your reference must contain at least 3 academic sources and 2 nonacademic sources.

111 Words  1 Pages
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