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The COO of an organization believes that EMR technology is not critical for a healthcare organization.

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Paper Instructions;

Scenario:  The COO of an organization believes that EMR technology is not critical for a healthcare organization.

Write a 700- to 1050-word paper that discusses the research-based benefits of using EMR technology and why it is an important technology within a healthcare organization.  Include the following in your paper:

Explain what an EMR is and provide examples of the research-based benefits of EMR technology
Utilization of Research
What is the purpose of utilizing research within a healthcare organization?
Why is it important for administration to utilize research for their organization?
Explain how the utilization of research is important to the implementation of EMR technology
What is a stakeholder?
Explain the influence and importance of stakeholders in research utilization
What importance and influence does EMR technology have on stakeholders?
Provide brief recommendations on how EMR can be implemented into an organization
Format your assignment according to APA guidelines (Title Page, References Page, Headings, In-text citations, etc.)  Also use the Grading Rubric for this assignment (provided to the right) as a guide for formatting.

Cite and Reference 3 peer-reviewed, scholarly, or similar references to support your paper.

199 Words  1 Pages
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